Vladimir Putin: Interesting Facts About the Man Behind the (Iron) Curtain Posted by Jenya on Sep 10, 2014 in Culture
Though this blog usually centers on Russian culture and the language, certain events have transpired lately that are keeping the Russian president in the spotlight. For those living outside of Russia, he may be seen as a mysterious man, perhaps a hero to some and a villain to others. Your knowledge about him may be limited to what you see on television or read in the headlines. I have found some interesting facts about Vladimir Putin that you will hopefully find interesting. Please keep in mind that I am not supporting or condemning him, simply sharing some information that I’ve found.
1. President Putin has a comic book superhero named after him: Superputin. For those of you that are after some Russian comic books, this may be right up your alley. He is seen wearing a kimono and uses his real-life abilities as a black belt in judo to save people from their imminent doom. By the way, ex-president Dmitiry Medvedev is his sidekick. You can read more about it here:
How many other world leaders can say they have a comic book in their honor?
2. Mr. Putin is definitely not a one-trick pony. He can lead a nation, work in surveillance, and also sing and play piano. Yes, its true! It was reported by Politico that President Putin sang the Fats Domino classic, “Blueberry Hill” at a charity function in 2010. You can watch him sing and play piano here:
3. He is a lover of animals, especially dogs. It seems that the leader that many have called cold, hard nosed, and worse, also has a soft spot for canines. His personal dog, a black Labrador Retriever named, Koni, has been photographed by some of the world’s largest news organizations, she has met many of the world’s most powerful leaders. Before anybody comments, I am also aware that certain other past world leaders and dictators also had a soft spot for dogs, especially German Shepherds. I am just mentioning that Putin has an affinity for his dog, and he takes interest in other animals too. More can be read about Koni here:
In closing I would like to same that I am apolitical at this stage in life. Some may love President Putin, some may hate him, some may not know enough to have an educated opinion about him. Personally, I do not know too much about him; mostly what I read online. When speaking with friends and family in Russia about President Putin, I get the same opinions I do in America about whomever the current president is: some love him, some think he’s doing an awful job, some hate him, and so on. I hope this blog will give you a quick glimpse into the other side of one of our current world leaders, a side we may not get to see in the news. We have to remember that world leaders are mere mortals – even those with comic books created in their honor. They have good days, bad days, they can be ruthless to some, loving to others.
Всего хорошего!

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Moonyeen Albrecht:
Unfortunately, under number 2, I could not see the video of Putin’s musical abilities.
There is just a black box that does nothing. Could it have been censored and removed from view?????????
I can see the video just fine
the issue may be with your computer. Thanks for reading though
charlie bacon:
this website is wonderful;, absolutely wonderful. I love vlad pupu