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¿Santa Claus, Papá Noel o San Nicolás? Posted by on Dec 25, 2010 in Spanish Culture

La globalización no solo se refleja en la economía, sino también en nuestras tradiciones. El libre mercado ha permitido que Papa Noel se cuele en España, cada vez con más fuerza, plantándole cara a nuestros tradicionales Reyes Magos. Aunque las familias son muy fieles a la figura de esos entrañables magos venidos de Oriente, bien es cierto que una determinada lógica se va imponiendo, y muchos niños reciben sus regalos, o al menos un adelanto de ellos, en la noche del 25 de Diciembre. Esto les permite tener más tiempo para disfrutar de ellos, durante sus vacaciones. Hoy me gustaría indagar un poquito más en estos personajes, conocer su trasfondo real, y como se convirtieron en portadores de ilusiones para los más pequeños de la casa, y los que no lo son tanto.

De San Nicolás a Santa Claus y  Papá Noel

Comencemos por la figura de ese  abuelo bonachón que nos visita en Nochebuena. San Nicolás fue obispo de Mira (Turquía), y tras su muerte comenzaron a circular numerosas leyendas tanto sobre su vida, como sobre su muerte. Cuenta la leyenda que una noche, cuando transportaba unas bolsas de oro como dote para tres doncellas de familia pobre, una cayó dentro de un calcetín tendido en la chimenea. Se dice que el santo dio esa limosna a escondidas para evitar que las jóvenes fuesen prostituidas. Desde entonces se cuelgan calcetines para recibir regalos. También se le reconoce como protector y patrón de los niños, ya que se le atribuyen resurrecciones milagrosas de infantes. Es santo muy popular en Rusia, Grecia, Italia, el Norte de Europa, Alemania e Inglaterra, donde se ha encarnado en la figura del bonachón Papa Noel, personaje de barba blanca y vestiduras rojas que reparte regalos con la ayuda de duendecillos, y es transportado por renos. En EEUU el sinter Klaas que llegó con la inmigración se convirtió en Santa Claus. Y en la zona mediterránea, San Nicolás sirvió para transformar las ancestrales fiestas en honor a Poseidón, rey de los Mares en festividad cristiana. La asimilación de estas figuras hace que hoy se le vea en ocasiones representado cargando las bolsas de oro con que libró a las doncellas de la deshonra, los tres niños resucitados, y un ancla, como protector de los marineros.

Esto es todo por hoy, pronto hablaremos de nuestros Tres Reyes Magos. Por cierto, ¿Recibisteis regalo anoche? ¡Yo si!

Globalization is not only reflected on the economy, but also in our traditions. The free market has allowed Father Christmas to slip past in Spain, every time with more force, letting him face our traditional Three Wise Men. Though families are very faithful to the figure of these intimate magicians come from East, it is true that some logic is imposing, and many children receive their gifts, or at least an advance of them, in the night of December 25. This lets them to have more time to play with them them during their holidays. Today I would like to investigate a bit more about these prominent figures, to know their real background, and how they were turned into bearers of illusions for the smallest of the house, and those who are not so much.

From Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus and Father Christmas

Let’s begin with the figure of this easy-going grandfather who visits us in Christmas Eve. Saint Nicholas was a bishop of Mira (Turkey), and after his death there began to circulate numerous legends both about his life, and his death. It counts the legend that one night, when he was transporting a few bags of gold as dowry for three maidens of poor family, one fell inside a sock stretched in the chimney. It is said that the saint gave this alms furtively to prevent the young women from being prostituted. Since then, socks are hung to receive gifts. He is also recognized as protector and patron saint of children, because there are infants’ miraculous resurrections attributed to him. He is a very popular saint in Russia, Greece, Italy, North Europe, Germany and England, where he has been personified in the figure of the good-natured Father Christmas, personage of white beard and red vestments that distributes gifts with the help of elves, and is transported by reindeers. In the USA the sinter Klaas that came with the immigration turned into Santa Claus. And in the Mediterranean zone, Saint Nicholas served to transform the ancient holidays in honor to Poseidon, king of the Seas into christian celebration. The assimilation of these figures makes that we can see  him nowadays represented loading the golden bags with which he freed the maidens from disgrace, three resurrected children, and an anchor, as protector of the sailors.

This is all for today, we will speak about our Three Wise Men soon. And let me ask, did you received your presents last night? I did!

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


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