Beginner Spanish Review Lesson 24 The Spanish verb To Like El verbo Gustar Posted by Laura & Adam on Apr 30, 2013 in Learning, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary, Videos
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Today we are going to practice the Spanish verb To Like El verbo Gustar. This is one of those essential Spanish verbs that you will find yourself using all the time. It is also a little tricky to use and for that reason it is a good idea to practice with it as much as possible.
Answers to all tasks involved in this lesson will be given at the end of the post and you can also follow a link with this post to watch the original theory video lesson on the same topic.
To go back and watch the original video lesson please follow this link:
The Spanish verb To Like El verbo Gustar
1. With Gustar we don´t use “yo, tú, él, ella ..”. The persons we use are slightly different. Let´s see if you remember:
What do we use rather than “yo”?
What do we use rather than “nosotros”?
What do we use rather than “tú”?
What do we use rather than “ellos”?
What do we use rather than “usted”?
What do we use rather than “vosotros”?
2. Let´s see now if you know how to conjugate the verb Gustar. I will say a person and I would like you to say the right form of the verb. For example: If I say “a ti” you will have to say “te gusta”:
A nosotros
A ellos
A mí
A vosotros
A ella
A ustedes
A ti
A usted
3. Now, please translate the following sentences using Gustar from Spanish to English:
Me gusta la cerveza.
A mi hermana no le gusta el pescado.
A Manuel y a Carlos les gusta jugar al fútbol
No nos gustan las patatas fritas.
4. Now more sentences using Gustar and this time I would like you to translate from English to Spanish:
I don´t like going to the beach.
Ana likes fruit.
We don´t like dogs.
Do you like eating in a restaurant? (one person / friendly)
5. Next, we will practice describing how much someone likes something. Please translate the following sentences from Spanish to English:
Me gusta mucho comprar ropa.
No nos gusta nada ver la televisión.
A mi primo no le gusta demasiado leer.
A mis amigos les gusta bastante el vino tinto.
6. Now from English to Spanish:
We quite like chocolate.
My daughter really likes milk.
I don´t like going to the cinema at all.
My brothers don´t like studying that much.
This is all for today´s beginner Spanish practice lesson.
I recommend you make sure that you are confident using the verb Gustar as we use it a lot in everyday conversation. Also, its structure is used with various other very common verbs, such as Interesar (To interest). So if you want to say that something interests you, you will say “me interesa”.
Have a lovely week and see you next time with more Spanish practice.
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A mí
A nosotros
A ti
A ellos
A usted
A vosotros
Nos gusta
Les gusta
Me gusta
Os gusta
Le gusta
Les gusta
Te gusta
Le gusta
I like beer.
My sister doesn´t like fish.
Manuel and Carlos like football.
We don´t like chips.
No me gusta ir a la playa.
A Ana le gusta la fruta.
No nos gustan los perros.
¿Te gusta comer en un restaurante?
I like buying clothes a lot
We don´t like watching TV at all
My cousin doesn´t like reading that much
My friends quite like red wine.
Nos gusta bastante el chocolate.
A mi hija le gusta muchísimo la leche.
No me gusta nada ir al cine.
A mis hermanos no les gusta demasiado estudiar.

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