Spanish Language Blog

Intermediate Spanish Review Lesson 13 El Presente de Subjuntivo with temporary sentences Posted by on Nov 26, 2013 in Learning, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary, Videos

¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?

Hoy vamos a practicar el uso del Presente de Subjuntivo en frases temporales. Today we are going to practice the Spanish Present Subjunctive grammar tense with temporary sentences.

Answers to all tasks involved in this lesson will be given at the end of the post and you can also follow a link with this post to watch the original theory video lesson on the same topic.

To go back and watch the original video lesson please follow this link:

Intermediate theory video lesson 13

1. First, I will give you two sentences and I would like you to join them together making a temporary sentence using El Presente de Subjuntivo. For example if I say: “A veces hace sol. Entonces vamos a la playa” You could say: “Cuando haga sol, iremos a la playa”:

Algunos días tengo frío. Entonces me pongo la chaqueta.
A veces me duele la cabeza. Entonces me tomo una aspirina.
Los domingos cocino una paella. Entonces vienen mis amigos a comer.
A veces echan una película aburrida en la tele. Entonces me quedo dormida.
En invierno nieva. Entonces cojo el autobús para ir al trabajo.

2. Next, please tell me if these sentences are correct. Some are using the El Presente de Subjuntivo and some are not. You only have to say “Correct” or “Incorrect”:

Cuando voy al supermercado, compraré fruta.
Cuando vuelvas llámame.
En cuanto tenga tiempo, haré la comida.
Antes de que te vas, mira si no te olvidas de algo.
Cuando esté cansada, siempre me duermo viendo la televisión.

3. Now, let´s practice the Spanish expressions “Antes de” and “Después de”. Please translate the following sentences from English to Spanish:

Before travelling, you have to check if you have everything.
Before Carlos leaves, I have to speak to him.
After eating you have to brush your teeth.
After knowing what he said, I am very happy.
Ring me after you speak to your parents

4. Finally, let´s translate the following sentences form Spanish to English:

Antes de comer hay que lavarse las manos.
Después de que hables con Silvia, ella vendrá conmigo.
Ana buscará información en Internet sobre Roma antes de viajar.
Antes de que te vayas, tengo que darte el paraguas.
Siempre me duele la tripa después de comer en casa de mi madre.

Esto es todo por hoy.

I hope you feel confident using El Presente de Subjuntivo with these types of sentences. It is very usual to use these types of sentences in conversation so I recommend you keep them in mind when you have the opportunity to speak with a Spanish native speaker and try to use them whenever is appropriate. You can start by having some sentences ready before hand. Some general ones, like “Cuando tenga tiempo, viajaré a España para practicar español”. It is not easy to make a sentence with the subjunctive off the cuff if you are not used to it, but using some sentences that you have prepared will give you confidence and little by little you will see that you find it easier and easier to make these types of sentences.

Enjoy the week! ¡Hasta pronto!

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Cuando tenga frío me pondré la chaqueta.
Cuando me duela la cabeza me tomaré una aspirina.
Cuando cocine una paella vendrán mis amigos a comer.
Cuando echen una película aburrida en la tele me quedaré dormida.
Cuando nieve cojeré el autobús para ir al trabajo.

Cuando voy al supermercado, compraré fruta. Incorrect
Cuando vuelvas llámame. Correct
En cuanto tenga tiempo, haré la comida. Correct
Antes de que te vas, mira si no te olvidas de algo. Incorrect
Cuando esté cansada, siempre me duermo viendo la televisión. Incorrect

Antes de viajar tienes que revisar si tienes todo.
Antes de que Carlos se vaya, tengo que hablar con él.
Después de comer tienes que lavarte los dientes.
Después de saber lo que dijo, estoy muy contento/a.
Llámame después de que hables con tus padres.

Before eating one must wash ones hands.
After you speak to Silvia, she will come with me.
Ana will look for information on the internet about Rome before travelling.
Before you leave, I have to give you the umbrella.
I always have stomach ache after eating in my mother´s house.

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.