Spanish Language Blog

English Spanish Parallel Texts – Adverbs of frequency Posted by on Mar 8, 2022 in Language, Learning, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary

In this lesson of our English Spanish Parallel Texts course and we are going to practice using adverbs of frequency in Spanish. Start by reading the text in Spanish below. The English translation is provided later but please try not to look at it until you have read the Spanish version various times and tried your best to understand it.

There may be some words and phrases in the text that you are unfamiliar with, but you should be aiming to capture the main essence of what is happening. There will always be words and phrases popping up in real-life situations that you have never heard before, so it is important never to get too distracted by details.

If you want to investigate some of the words you don’t know with a dictionary that would be great, please do, but do this after trying your best to understand with what you already have in your head.

Check out this video lesson with information relevant to this topic:

Adverbs of frequency

adverbs of frequency

Image by David Mark from Pixabay


Spanish Text 1


Pedro: Hola Silvia, ¿qué tal? ¿El trabajo bien?
Silvia: No Pedro. No estoy trabajando ahora y no encuentro trabajo por ningún sitio.
Pedro: Lo siento Silvia. Pero no te preocupes. Seguro que vas a encontrar trabajo pronto. ¿Vas a menudo a la oficina de empleo?
Silvia: Sí, a veces. Pero es un desastre. Muy desorganizada. Seguro que no voy a encontrar trabajo allí.
Pedro: ¿Buscas en los periódicos?
Silvia: No, nunca. Igual tengo que echar un vistazo en los periódicos locales.
Pedro: Sí, creo que hay posibilidades de encontrar algo allí. También, te gusta mucho nadar, ¿por qué no preguntas en la piscina a ver si puedes trabajar allí como socorrista?
Silvia: Sí, siempre estoy en la piscina. ¡Buena idea Pedro! La próxima vez hablaré con ellos.
Pedro: Buena suerte Silvia.
Silvia: Gracias Pedro.


Spanish Text 2


Alejandro: Hola Julieta. ¿Estás aquí para ver la película de zombies?
Julieta: ¡Qué dices! Odio las películas de zombies. No me gustan las películas de terror.
Alejandro: Las películas de zombies no son de terror, son comedias.
Julieta: No son para mí. Me ponen nerviosa y no puedo ver sangre. Además me parece que están mal hechas y son cutres. Lo siento.
Alejandro: A mí me encantan las películas de zombies. Veo una todas las semanas. Normalmente veo películas clásicas como ‘La noche de los muertos vivientes’. Mis amigos y yo vamos siempre al cine los jueves para ‘La noche de terror’.
Julieta: Nunca veo películas así. A mí me gustan las películas románticas y también los musicales.
Alejandro: Esas películas son muy empalagosas para mí. Me aburren.
Julieta: Mis amigas y yo vamos a menudo al cine para ver películas románticas. A veces vemos películas de fantasía y de suspense también. Con mi novio veo comedias en la tele y documentales.
Alejandro: ¿Tu novio ve películas románticas?
Julieta: A veces sí.
Alejandro: ¿De verdad? ¿Cómo se llama tu novio?
Julieta: David Rubio Ortega.
Alejandro: ¡¡Ja ja ja!! ¡David! Qué pelele.
Julieta: ¡No es un pelele! Y tú Alejandro, ¿cómo se llama tu novia?
Alejandro: No tengo novia. ¡No quiero!
Julieta: Hombre claro.



English Text 1


Pedro: Hi Silvia, how are you? Is work OK?
Silvia: No Pedro. I’m not working at the moment and I can’t find a job anywhere.
Pedro: Sorry Silvia. But don’t worry. For sure you will find work soon. Do you often go to the job centre?
Silvia: Yes, sometimes. But it’s a nightmare. Very disorganized. I’m certain I will not find a job there.
Pedro: Are you looking in the newspapers?
Silvia: No, never. Maybe I have to take a look in the local newspapers.
Pedro: Yes, I think there are chances of finding something there. Also, you like to swim a lot, why not ask at the pool to see if you can work there as a lifeguard?
Silvia: Yes, I’m always at the pool. Good idea Pedro! Next time I will speak to them.
Pedro: Good luck Silvia.
Silvia: Thanks Pedro.


English Text 2


Alejandro: Hello Julieta. Are you here to watch the zombie movie?
Julieta: What are you on about! I hate zombie movies. I don’t like horror movies.
Alejandro: Zombie movies are not horror, they are comedies.
Julieta: They are not for me. They make me nervous and I can’t see blood. I also think they are poorly made and tacky. Sorry.
Alejandro: I love zombie movies. I see one every week. I usually watch classic movies like ‘The Night of the Living Dead’. My friends and I always go to the cinema on Thursdays for ‘Horror Night.
Julieta: I never watch movies like that. I like romantic movies and also musicals.
Alejandro: Those films are too sickly sweet for me. They bore me.
Julieta: My friends and I often go to the cinema to watch romantic movies. Sometimes we watch fantasy and suspense movies too. With my boyfriend I watch comedies on TV and documentaries.
Alejandro: Your boyfriend watches romantic movies?
Julieta: Sometimes, yes.
Alejandro: Really? What’s your boyfriend’s name?
Julieta: David Rubio Ortega.
Alejandro: Ha ha ha!! David! What a wimp.
Julieta: He’s not a wimp! And you Alejandro, what’s your girlfriend’s name?
Alejandro: I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t want one!
Julieta: Of course.


So, how did you get on? How much did you understand of the original text before checking the translation? Please let me know in the comments section below…

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand that much, practice makes perfect! Be patient and keep reading, hearing, writing, and speaking Spanish. See you next time!

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.