English Spanish Vocabulary – Countries Países Posted by Laura & Adam on Sep 27, 2016 in Learning, Spanish Vocabulary
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Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to Countries.
Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con Países.
Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish:
Countries Países
América: America
Europa: Europe
África: Africa
Asia: Asia
España: Spain
Estados Unidos: United States of America
Gran Bretaña: Great Britain
Inglaterra: England
Irlanda: Ireland
Irlanda del Norte: Northern Ireland
Escocia: Scotland
Gales: Wales
Australia: Australia
Canadá: Canada
Rusia: Russia
Italia: Italy
Holanda: Holland
Alemania: Germany
Sudáfrica: South Africa
Cuba: Cuba
Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico
México: Mexico
Colombia: Colombia
Venezuela: Venezuela
Argentina: Argentina
Perú: Peru
Chile: Chile
Nueva Zelanda: New Zealand
Jamaica: Jamaica
Filipinas: Philippines
Afganistán: Afghanistan
Japón: Japan
Bélgica: Belgium
Malasia: Malaysia
Brasil: Brazil
Noruega: Norway
Dinamarca: Denmark
Egipto: Egypt
India: India
Pakistán: Pakistan
Polonia: Poland
Francia: France
Grecia: Greece
Tailandia: Thailand
Irak: Iraq
Irán: Iran
Turquía: Turkey
República Dominicana: Dominican Republic
Bolivia: Bolivia
Ecuador: Ecuador
Paraguay: Paraguay
Uruguay: Uruguay
Singapur: Singapore
Siria: Syria
Chipre: Cyprus
Hungría: Hungary
Suecia: Sweden
Suiza: Switzerland
Finlandia: Finland
Rumanía: Romania
Islandia: Iceland
Líbano: Lebanon
Palestina: Palestine
Luxemburgo: Luxembourg
Libia: Libya
Israel: Israel

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Steven Scott:
I believe it is very important to be able to translate Spanish not just the English but to all languages ,because u never know where u could go in the world.
@Steven Scott Very true Steven! But the limit of my capabilities is translating between Spanish and English, and that is tricky enough. I am learning French now, but with limited time and not living in France, I see it as a long and winding road. It would be perfect to have other translators at hand for all the other languages or the technology to translate perfectly. I guess the technology with the likes of Google Translate is getting better all the time, but I still find its translations of longer texts are way off. Saludos, Laura