English Spanish Vocabulary – Los Hobbies Hobbies Posted by Laura & Adam on Jun 19, 2017 in Learning, Spanish Vocabulary
Build your repertoire of Spanish words little by little by tuning in to these biweekly posts on English-Spanish vocabulary. You will find lots of really useful words on essential everyday topics, complete with audio mp3 recordings to help you with the Spanish pronunciation. Enjoy!
Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to hobbies.
Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con los hobbies.
Los Hobbies Hobbies
aprender un idioma to learn a language
bailar to dance
buceo scuba diving
cantar to sing
cerámica pottery
coleccionar adhesivos to collect stickers
coleccionar sellos to collect stamps
dibujar to draw
teatro drama
escalada deportiva rock climbing
escuchar música to listen to music
esquí acuático water skiing
fotografía photography
hacer deporte to play sport
hacer esquí acuático to go water skiiing
hacer yoga to do yoga
ir a la playa to go to the beach
ir de compras to go shopping
jugar a las cartas to play cards
jugar a los videojuegos to play video games
leer to read
leer tebeos to read comics
montañismo mountain climbing
montar a caballo to go horse riding
patinar en línea to go rollerblading
patinar sobre hielo to ice-skate
patinar sobre ruedas to roller-skate
pintar to paint
practicar ciclismo to cycle
hacer punto to knit
remo rowing
sacar fotos to take pictures
tocar un instrumento musical to play an instrument
vela sailing
ver la televisión to watch television

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