Gentilicios de España Posted by Adir on Jul 31, 2009 in Spanish Culture, Spanish Vocabulary
Here are some gentilicios (demonyms: name of the inhabitants of a country, state or city) from Spain. They are used very frequently, and they it is not always easy to figure out what the city of origin is. Check them out!
Salmantino, de Salamanca.
Vallisoletano, de Valladolid.
Vizcaíno, de Vizcaya
Riojano, de La Rioja
Jiennense, de Jaén
Onubense, de Huelva
Leonés, de León
Mallorquín, de Mallorca
Barcelonés, de Barcelona
Pacense, de Badajoz
Abulense, de Ávila
Burgalés, de Burgos
Lucense, de Lugo
Tinerfeño, de Tenerife
Granadino, de Granada
Valenciano, de Valencia
Madrileño, de Madrid
Check out more gentilícios here.

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