Spanish Language Blog

How many cows do you have? Posted by on Jul 9, 2012 in Spanish Culture

Oftentimes we are caught up in doing so much stuff in our daily lives like studying, working, worrying, trying to make more money, etc., that we don’t stop to appreciate life as it is. I am one of those people, I never stop, I’m always reading something, checking e-mail, online on Facebook, Twitter and it never stops.

I recently found this little text on the RTVe blog about how many cows we have and I’m sharing it with you guys today.

Buda está sentado en un bosque en compañía de sus monjes cuando llega un campesino con aspecto muy apenado. Los monjes le preguntan qué le ocurre, y el hombre responde: “Soy muy desgraciado, he perdido mis 12 vacas. ¿Las habéis visto?”
[Buda is sitting in the woods the in company of his monks when a very sad-looking peasant comes. The monks ask him what happened and this man answers: “I’m disgraced, I have lost my 12 cows. Have you seen them?]

Los monjes responden negativamente y el granjero continúa en su busca.
[The monks answer negatively and the farmer carries on his search.]

“Amigos”, dice el Buda a sus discípulos cuando el campesino se ha marchado. “Sois afortunados; no tenéis ninguna vaca”.
[“Friends”, says the Buda to his disciples when the peasant has left. “You are fortunate; you don’t have any cows.”]

“Cuantas más cosas hayamos de cuidar, cuantas más preocupaciones y proyectos tengamos en marcha, menos espacio habrá en nuestra vida para relajarnos y ser felices”.
[The more things we look after, the more worries and projects we have going on, less space there will be in our lives to relax and be happy”.]

So now I ask you, my dear reader: ¿Cuántas vacas tienes en este momento?

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. kate:


  2. Sean Young:

    Ay, a veces tengo 1.000 vacas.