Spanish Language Blog

Spanish Lesson Beginner 19 Comparisons Posted by on Jul 13, 2011 in Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary, Videos

¡Hola a todos!

Today we are going to see how to make comparisons in Spanish using the transport vocabulary we learned in our last beginner lesson.

Más… que: More …. than
Menos….que: Less …than
Tan ….. como: As….as

So, for example, if you want to say “smaller than” you will have to say “más pequeño que”, “más pequeña que”, “más pequeños que” or “más pequeñas que” depending on if the thing you are talking about is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. With adjectives like “grande”, as it doesn´t finish in an “o”, you don´t change it to “granda”, so to say “bigger than” we say “más grande que” for one thing, either masculine or feminine, and “más grandes que” for more than one thing.


El avión es más rápido que el barco: The plane is faster than the ship
Los aviones son más rápidos que los barcos: Planes are faster than ships
La bicicleta es más barata que el coche: The bicycle is cheaper than the car
Las bicicletas son más baratas que los coches: Bicycles are cheaper than cars
El tren es menos caro que el avión: The train is less expensive than the plane
Los trenes son menos caros que los aviones: Trains are less expensive than planes
La bicicleta es menos cara que el avión: The bicycle is less expensive than the plane
Las bicicletas son menos caras que los aviones: Bicycles are less expensive than planes
El tren es tan rápido como el coche: The train is as fast as the car
Los trenes son tan rápidos como los coches: Trains are as fast as cars
La bicicleta es tan peligrosa como el coche: The bicycle is as dangerous as the car
Las bicicletas son tan peligrosas como los coches: Bicycles are as dangerous as cars

Now, let´s see how to make comparisons with irregular comparatives:

Mejor: Better
Peor: Worse
Mayor: Older/Bigger
Menor: Younger/Smaller


El coche es mejor que el autobús: The car is better than the bus
Los coches son mejores que los autobuses: Cars are better than buses
La bicicleta es mejor que el autobús: The bicycle is better than the bus
Las bicicletas son mejores que los autobuses: Bicycles are better than buses
El coche es peor que el avión: The car is worse than the plane
Los coches son peores que los aviones: Cars are worse than planes
La bicicleta es peor que el avión: The bicycle is worse than the plane
Las bicicletas son peores que los aviones: Bicycles are worse than planes
El avión es mayor que el coche: The plane is bigger than the car
Los aviones son mayores que los coches: Planes are bigger than cars
La bicicleta es menor que el coche: The bicycle is smaller than the car
Las bicicletas son menores que los coches: Bicycles are smaller than cars
Ana es mayor que Pedro: Ana is older than Pedro
Ana y Sonia son mayores que Pedro: Ana and Sonia are older than Pedro
Pedro es menor que Ana: Pedro is younger than Ana
Pedro y Lola son menores que Ana: Pedro and Lola are younger than Ana

This is all for today. I recommend, as always, that as soon as you are clear on the lesson and have watched it a few times you start practicing what you have learned. Practice by comparing not just transport, but everything and anything around you: cars, books, houses, etc, anything you can think of. Make sure that you remember to change the gender and singular/plural of the adjective (the word between más…que or menos…que …) where necessary.

Have a great week and see you soon.

¡Hasta luego!

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.


  1. Joan:

    Great job – I learned this part in a few minutes. Your website is great – I learn spanish on my own, and your materials are the best hlp I’ve ever found.

    All the best!