Spanish Lesson Intermediate 26 Probability in the past Posted by Laura & Adam on Dec 14, 2011 in Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary, Videos
Hola. ¿Qué tal?
Espero que todos estéis progresando muy bien con vuestros estudios de español y estéis disfrutando del proceso.
Hoy vamos a ver cómo hablar de probabilidad en el pasado en español. Today we are going to learn how to talk about probability in the past in Spanish. As you will see, some of the Spanish probability expressions are followed by a verb in indicativo, some are followed by a verb in subjuntivo and others by either option.
• A lo mejor + indicativo: Maybe
A lo mejor llegó anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
A lo mejor estaba en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
• Igual + indicativo: Maybe
Igual llegó anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Igual estaba en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
• Lo mismo + indicativo: Maybe
Lo mismo llegó anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Lo mismo estaba en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
• Puede que + subjuntivo: It could be that
Puede que llegara/llegase anoche: It could be that he arrived last night
Puede que estuviera/estuviese en el bar: It could be that he was in the pub
• Puede ser que + subjuntivo: It could be that
Puede ser que llegara/llegase anoche: It could be that he arrived last night
Puede ser que estuviera/estuviese en el bar: It could be that he was in the pub
Some expressions can be used with indicativo or with subjuntivo. We use the indicativo to show slightly more probability and subjuntivo to show slightly less probability.
• Tal vez + indicativo o subjuntivo: Maybe
Tal vez llegó anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Tal vez llegara/llegase anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Tal vez estaba en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
Tal vez estuviera/estuviese en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
• Quizás + indicativo o subjuntivo: Maybe
Quizás llegó anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Quizás llegara/llegase anoche: Maybe he arrived last night
Quizás estaba en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
Quizás estuviera/estuviese en el bar: Maybe he was in the pub
• Seguramente + indicativo o subjuntivo: Possibly
Seguramente llegó anoche: Possibly he arrived last night
Seguramente llegara/llegase anoche: Possibly he arrived last night
Seguramente estaba en el bar: Possibly he was in the pub
Seguramente estuviera/estuviese en el bar: Possibly he was in the pub
At this level we have to practice a lot with the Spanish subjuntivo and the Spanish indicativo. We have already seen quite a few other video lessons in this course on the topic of the Spanish subjuntivo and indicativo and I definitely recommend that you go back and review those lessons as many times as is necessary. Knowing when and how to use the Spanish subjunctivo or indicativo in any given moment takes some skill. It is not something that you will master overnight so be patient and study little and often. Try not to get frustrated when you encounter a new structure or expression and be proud of the great level you have already achieved.
Que tengáis un buen día y nos vemos pronto con otra clase de español.
¡Hasta luego!

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Que tal estáis amigos míos? He estoy aprendiendo mucho españolo con vosutros, yo soy Ingles y he estado varias veces en España estudiando español y la verdad es que nunca aprendí tanto como con esta mujer!! Ahora los ingleses aprendemos español para ver si sacamos a los españoles de la crisis en la que se encuentran inmersos! vIVA la LIBRA y fuera el Euro
David Carmona:
@Spencer I’m touched by your condescension… maybe you are in denial that the UK economy is also stagnant, most likely heading for a recession, with unemployment rising towards the 3 million mark again and high inflation. Doesn’t seem like the pound is helping you much, so worry about getting yourselves out of the crisis first.