Spanish Numbers 1-100 Posted by Magda on Apr 14, 2010 in Spanish Culture, Spanish Vocabulary
One or the most basic skills we need to know when learning a language is how to count and use numbers, so here we go!
I remember when I was a child, and I practiced my numbers everyday with El Conde Dracu (Count Von Count). I loved it!
Next you can have a look at the Spanish numbers from 1 to 100.
0 | Cero | Zero | 17 | Diecisiete | Seventeen |
1 | Uno | One | 18 | Dieciocho | Eighteen |
2 | Dos | Two | 19 | Diecinueve | Nineteen |
3 | Tres | Three | 20 | Veinte | Twenty |
4 | Cuatro | Four | 21 | Veintiuno | Twenty one |
5 | Cinco | Five | 22 | Veintidós | Twenty two |
6 | Seis | Six | 23 | Veintitrés | Twenty three |
7 | Siete | Seven | 30 | Treinta | Thirty |
8 | Ocho | Eight | 31 | Treinta y uno | Thirty one |
9 | Nueve | Nine | 39 | Treinta y nueve | Thirty nine |
10 | Diez | Ten | 40 | Cuarenta | forty |
11 | Once | Eleven | 50 | Cincuenta | Fifty |
12 | Doce | Twelve | 60 | Sesenta | Sixto |
13 | Trece | Thirteen | 70 | Setenta | Seventy |
14 | Catorce | Fourteen | 80 | Ochenta | Eighty |
15 | Quince | Fifteen | 90 | Noventa | Ninety |
16 | Dieciséis | Sixteen | 100 | Cien | One hundred |
We have to take into account that in Spanish uno becomes un when used with a masculine noun: un gatito (one kitten), veintiún limones (21 lemons)…. And we use una with feminine nouns: una chica (one girl), treinta rosas (30 roses)…
When we use the number 100 in isolation we call it “cien” but when it is combined with other units or tens (from 101 to 199), then it canges to “ciento” as in “ciento uno” (101). And don’t forget to use “y” (and) between the units and the tens “ treinta y nueve libros” (39 books).
And now let’s see if you know how to use numbers with these questions…
1)¿Cuántos zapatos hay en un par de zapatos?
2)¿Y cuántos huevos en una docena?
3)¿Cuántos días tiene una semana?
4)¿Y cuántos lunes tiene esa misma semana?
5)¿Cuántas semanas tienes de vacaciones?
6)¿Y cuántas quisieras?

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This is so helpful!
HC Jones:
Spanish Blog info is really great. Thanks so much
This is what we want!
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