Spanish Language Blog

Spring Spanish sayings Posted by on Apr 18, 2013 in Learning, Spanish Culture, Spanish Vocabulary

Cuando marzo va a mediar, debe la primavera empezar”, así que aparentemente estamos en tiempo de primavera ahora. Pero aquí en mi ciudad hemos pasado de invierno a verano en tan solo unos días, lo que hace un poco difícil aplicar el dicho de “la primavera, la sangre altera”. Esto me recordó que “quema más el sol de abril que el de todo el verano”. Es divertido ver a la gente por la calle con abrigos por la mañana y manga corta a mediodía, como si fuésemos cebollas poniéndonos y quitándonos una capa tras otra.

Tenemos que admitir que este horario de verano es fantástico para pasar algún tiempo disfrutando del sol, yendo a la playa o al campo para ver lo bello que está lleno de flores, porque “en abril, la flor empieza a salir”. Eso es lo que yo hice el pasado fin de semana, y tuve una sesión de fotos increíble con un par de amapolas y algunas calas. ¿Cuales son vuestras flores favoritas en primavera?

Es cierto que algunas personas se ponen realmente enfermas en esta estación, por alergia al polen, pero nuestros mayores dicen que “mucha flor en primavera (o violetas en primavera), buen otoño nos espera“; ya que he visto algunas violetas, y muchas flores estos días, podemos asumir que el próximo otoño será estupendo. Recordad que “heladas de enero, nieves de febrero, neblinas de marzo, lluvias de abril, aires de mayo, sacan florido al año”, y así es precisamente como están siendo nuestros meses, así que ¡disfrutad de la naturaleza!


“When March is in its middle, spring should start”, so apparently, it is spring time now. But here in my city we have gone from winter to summer in just a few days, which makes a bit difficult to apply the saying of “spring is in the air”. This made me remember that “April sun burns more than the whole summer one.” It is very funny to see people on the streets wearing coats in the morning, and short sleeve t-shirts at midday, as if we were onions putting on and out one layer after another.

We have to admit that this summer time is wonderful to spend some time enjoying the sun, going to the beach or the countryside to see how beautiful it looks full of flowers, because “in April the flower starts to bloom”. That’s what I did last weekend, and I had an incredible photo session with a pair of poppies and some callas. What are your favourite spring flowers?

It is true that some people get really sick during this season, because of pollen allergy, but our elders say that “a lot of flower in spring, (or violets in spring) a good autumn is waiting for us”; as I have seen some violets, and a lot of flowers these days, we can assume that next autumn will be great. Remember that “frost in January, snow in February, fog in March, rain in April and wind in May make a year full of flowers”, and that’s exactly how our months are being, so enjoy nature!

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


  1. Aliah Mohd Salleh:

    Can I start from lesson one. I am interested to learn.