Tag Archives: Galapagos Islands
Un Viaje Virtual a Ecuador (Parte Dos) Posted by sasha on Nov 24, 2021

Ecuador es un país increíble para visitar. Puedes visitar ciudades, montañas, playas, bosques, islas y mucho más. Ya visitamos la ciudad capital, Quito, y hoy exploraremos más del país (Ecuador is an incredible country to visit. You can visit cities, mountains, beaches, forests, islands, and much more. We already visited the capital city, Quito, and…
Latin America Travel Bucket List (Part One) Posted by sasha on Oct 15, 2020

¿Tienes una lista de deseos? (Do you have a bucket list?). If you’re not familiar with a “bucket list,” it’s a list of things you want to do before you “kick the bucket.” That’s an English idiom and euphemism meaning “to die.” The Spanish phrase for “bucket list” is a bit more literal, as lista…
One Year in Latin America (Part Two) Posted by sasha on Feb 21, 2018

Después de vivir en México y Colombia, viajamos a otros tres países. Esta es nuestra experiencia viajando por Ecuador, Peru y Chile. (After living in Mexico and Colombia, we traveled to three more countries. This is our experience traveling in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile.) Go back and read Part One if you missed it. Let’s…