Tag Archives: interjections
A Guide to Interjections in Spanish (Part 2) Posted by Anais on Oct 29, 2021

Let’s get straight to the point and start the second part of my practical guide for interjections in the Spanish language by mentioning that, for many sounds, there could be a good amount of uses in a given speech, like for “¡ah!”, whose non-verbal meaning ranges from a sincere signal of understanding (“ah, ahora entiendo…
A Guide to Interjections in Spanish (Part 1) Posted by Anais on Oct 27, 2021

Ouch, argh, hmmm, great!… An interjection in any language could be defined as a word that happens almost instinctively during speech to convey a feeling or some kind of reaction before some kind of stimuli. We can thank interjections for the fact they make much easier for us to express emotions, a way of greeting…
Las interjecciones Posted by Adir on Aug 17, 2010
Hoy nuestro post será totalmente en español y tratará de las interjecciones. Muchas veces no tenemos una expresión con igual uso en nuestra lengua, y por eso hoy les presentaré algunas con una explicación de cómo usarlas. ¿Empezamos? ¡Abajo! – Expresa desaprobación. ¡Adelante! – Es usada para dar permiso a alguien para entrar en un…