Tag Archives: learning Spanish
The pronunciation of “B” and “V” in Spanish (Listening Practice) Posted by Anais on Jun 28, 2022

Have you ever wondered whether there is a distinction between the pronunciations of letters “B” and “V”? If so, then today’s blog is for you! Watch the video below to learn how these two letters should be pronounced in Spanish. Video transcription and translation ¿Para qué tenemos dos letras para un mismo sonido…
Spanish Suffixes: Another Meeting Point for English and Spanish (Part 1) Posted by Anais on Dec 29, 2021

Another special kind of particles shared by English and Spanish are suffixes, used to build new words by being placed at the end of the stem of nouns, adjectives, verbs or adverbs. These affixes work in one of two ways: either by conferring gramatical information to that word with an inflectional suffix—like when adding…
Prefixes: Where Spanish and English Go Hand in Hand (Part 3) Posted by Anais on Dec 23, 2021

Welcome to part 3 of my blog dedicated to the most common prefixes in Spanish and English. This will be the last part dedicated to these affixes, as the next one will focus on the other type of particles that share traits in English and in Spanish: the suffixes. For now, let’s say goodbye to…
Prefixes: Where Spanish and English Go Hand in Hand (Part 2) Posted by Anais on Nov 29, 2021

Welcome to part 2 of my blog dedicated to the common prefixes in Spanish and English. It is worth recalling one important fact about prefix spelling in la lengua de Cervantes. Each and every prefix must always be written directly attached to the word they are modifying, with only two major exceptions: If the modified…
The Best Places to Learn Spanish in 2020 Posted by sasha on Jan 22, 2020

¿Cuáles son tus resoluciones de año nuevo? (What are your New Year’s Resolutions?). For many people, a New Year’s Resolution is to aprende un idioma (learn a language). That’s probably why you’re reading this blog! In this post I’m going to talk about los mejores lugares para aprender español en 2020 (the best places to…
Redundancy in Spanish Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 5, 2018

Many Spanish speakers (native and non-native) are victims of redundancy. Some of these mistakes are simply because we are speaking in translation while others go much deeper in language use. Below is a list of the most common pleonasmos or redundancies/repetitions in Spanish. Subir arriba/ bajar abajo This is perhaps the most common pleonasmo in Spanish, and it…
Ups and Downs of a Year en español Posted by sasha on Mar 14, 2018

As I wrote about last month, I’ve spent the last year in Latin America traveling around and attempting to learn Spanish. Those posts focused more on the countries I visited, what I did, and where I studied Spanish. You can read Part One about Mexico and Colombia, and then check out Part Two about Ecuador…