Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: refranes

Spanish proverbs: Refranes sobre el agua Posted by on Jun 30, 2016

To continue with the topic of Spanish proverbs, today we focus on those that talk about or are related to water. Water is a fluid element that is essential to life, and as such can take on many different symbolic meanings. Add that to the natural creativity of a language and you will have a myriad…

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Spanish proverbs: Los refranes Posted by on May 25, 2016

Popular wisdom usually takes the form of a proverb. All languages have them, and sometimes proverbs combine knowledge on a topic, with puns and rhythm. In Spain, there is a tradition of proverbs that go back to the epic poem Mio Cid.  Let’s start with a proverb we use in English, “Spain is different“, coined by Franco’s…

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Refranes de verano Posted by on Jul 5, 2012

Mientras unos sacaron la bufanda, otros andamos ya escondiéndonos del sol.  Desde el 21 de Junio es oficialmente verano, y como ya sabéis lo dados que somos los españoles a los refranes, hoy quiero compartir algunos con vosotros hablando sobre esta estación. Lo primero que debemos saber es que “Hasta el cuarenta de mayo, no…

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