Tag Archives: spanish
Venezuelan Spanish and the Plethora of Colloquialisms Posted by Anais on Mar 18, 2019

Languages are much more than what books teach us. For example, English offers a more picturesque repertoire than just OK, no problem, or the well-known “f-word”. Similarly, Spanish—and Venezuelan Spanish in this case—has a colorful lexicon that, if used by a non-native, makes you sound more natural and closer to other speakers. In that sense…
Inclusive Language: The RAE Says Not Now Posted by Karoly Molina on Feb 21, 2019

Last month during a conference at the University of Salamanca, the director of the RAE or the Real Academia Española stated that the RAE was not going to impose inclusive language with new terms such as miembras and todes instead of miembros and todos. In this post, we will explore who the RAE is and what they do, and the debates…
Say hello to your little new friend! A self-introduction post Posted by Anais on Nov 5, 2018

Hello, Spanish learners! My name is Anais and I’m so happy to join the Spanish bloggers team and help you learn more about Latin American culture and the language we speak in this culturally rich part of the world. I was born and raised in Caracas, the noisy and vibrant capital city of Venezuela, a…
Redundancy in Spanish Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 5, 2018

Many Spanish speakers (native and non-native) are victims of redundancy. Some of these mistakes are simply because we are speaking in translation while others go much deeper in language use. Below is a list of the most common pleonasmos or redundancies/repetitions in Spanish. Subir arriba/ bajar abajo This is perhaps the most common pleonasmo in Spanish, and it…
Bienvenida to the Spanish blog Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 18, 2018

Hello, Spanish blog readers and fellow language learners! My name is Karoly and I am very excited to be the latest contributor to the Spanish Language and Culture blog. I have been writing for the Dutch blog since 2014, and I am thrilled to write for the blog of my family language. I have moved…
Beginner Video 2: Introductions Posted by Laura & Adam on Jul 21, 2010
(Note: due to YouTube’s upload size limits, these videos are split into two parts, but are the same lesson). Hola, ¿Qué tal? Today we are going to continue the theme of the last beginner level video with some more information about “Introductions”. Let´s see how to ask and say your name: ¿Cómo te llamas?: What’s…
Present Subjunctive – Presente de Subjuntivo Posted by Laura & Adam on Jul 14, 2010
¿Hola a todos, cómo estáis? En este video vamos a ver la forma del Presente de Subjuntivo. Veremos cuándo usamos este tiempo en futuros vídeos. In this video we are going to look at the form of the Spanish Present Subjunctive grammar tense. We will see the uses of this tense in upcoming videos. In…