Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: spelling

¿Cuándo acentuamos los monosílabos? Posted by on Oct 20, 2011

El tema de hoy parece sencillo pero no lo es tanto. ¿Se deben acentuar los monosílabos? Empecemos con la regla general: los monosílabos tónicos, es decir, aquellas palabras de una sola sílaba con acento de intensidad, no llevan tilde. Leonardo Gómez Torrego en su Gramática didáctica del español nos da los siguientes ejemplos: sal, mar…

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Where are the vowels? – Answer Posted by on May 20, 2011

Hi, there! Here’s the whole text for the Where are vowels? activity a couple of days ago. Did you get it right? Let’s check it out. Rodrigo, por favor, llama por teléfono a mis padres y cuéntales que me quedé dormido en el metro y ahora estoy en un cibercafé de la estación y tengo…

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Where are the vowels? Posted by on May 17, 2011

Poor Guillermo, it was not his fault. He sent an e-mail but his computer erased all the vowels. Would you be able to understand the message? The answer will be posted in a couple of days. Rdrg, pr fvr, llm pr tlfn ms pdrs y cntls q m qd drmd n l mtr y hr…

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The use of Y and E Posted by on May 3, 2011

Y and E both mean and but they have different uses: We use E before words starting with I and HI. We use Y in all the other cases. So, let’s practice a little with the following exercise. E or Y? 1. Muchas veces mentira ___ ingenio se confunden ___ nos confunden. 2. La cortesía…

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Reglas sobre el uso de la letra B Posted by on Apr 1, 2011

When learning a language we need to pay special attention to writing. In Spanish, spelling can give you a headache occasionally, and cause you to make mistakes. So today we will do a quick review to remember when we have to use the letter B (be). 1. When it precedes any other consonant, or when…

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¿Mayúscula o minúscula? Posted by on Feb 13, 2011

Hi everybody, Today we’ll be clarifying some spelling rules related to the use of capital letters in Spanish, since they don’t always correspond with the way English is capitalized. There are only a few DOs and DON’Ts, so they will be easy for you to remember. You should always write a capital letter in the…

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Spanish Lesson Beginner 5 The Spanish alphabet and questions related to spelling Posted by on Sep 15, 2010

¡¡Hola!! I hope you are all well and enjoying your Spanish studies. Today we are going to learn the Spanish alphabet, how to spell and how to ask someone how to spell something. I hope you find the class useful. Alfabeto: Alphabet: A: a, B: be, C: ce, CH: che, D: de, E: e, F…

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