Tag Archives: traditions
Celebrating Three King’s Day in Mexico Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 2, 2020
When I was growing up, Santa Claus wasn’t such a big thing. Families exchanged gifts on December 25th, but the special gifts were brought by los Tres Reyes Magos. In this post, I will share some of my experiences growing up with the Reyes Magos and the gifts they brought. Bearing gifts According to Christian belief…
Say hello to your little new friend! A self-introduction post Posted by Anais on Nov 5, 2018
Hello, Spanish learners! My name is Anais and I’m so happy to join the Spanish bloggers team and help you learn more about Latin American culture and the language we speak in this culturally rich part of the world. I was born and raised in Caracas, the noisy and vibrant capital city of Venezuela, a…
Commercializing the Day of the Dead Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 25, 2018
Next week, Mexicans all over the world will celebrate el día de los muertos or day of the dead with ofrendas (offerings), pan de muerto (day of the dead bread), and photographs of their loved ones. While the celebration has always been strong in Mexico, it has recently become much more commercial. But how did this happen? Halloween Because of its…
Wedding Traditions in Mexico Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 12, 2018
Spring is here and with it comes the inevitable wedding season! Weddings or bodas are a momentous occasion to celebrate the union of a pareja or couple by eating, drinking and dancing. In Mexico, weddings are very important. Families spend plenty of time and dinero planning a wedding. Here are some of the tradiciones in…
La siesta, deporte nacional. Posted by Magda on Jul 22, 2011
¡Hola amigos! Hoy vengo un poco dormida aún, porque acabo de practicar uno de mis deportes nacionales favoritos: ¡la siesta! Palabra española que proviene del latín “hora sexta”, hace referencia al tiempo en que se tomaba un descanso de las labores cotidianas. No sé cuántos de vosotros tenéis la posibilidad de disfrutarla, pero estoy segura…