Spanish Language Blog

Tears of Stone, by Victoria Frances Posted by on May 4, 2010 in Spanish Culture

Lagrimas de Piedra, de Victoria Francés

Obra de siniestra belleza, que une a sus palabras plagadas de leyendas y espectros las imágenes que tales pesadillas recrean en la mente del lector. Victoria Francés es una ilustradora que adorna sus dibujos con palabras, o una escritora que consigue dar forma a sus pensamientos en imágenes, consiguiendo un libro único en cualquier género. La trilogía de Fávole se compone de tres volúmenes “Lágrimas de piedra”, “Libérame”, y por último “Gélida Luz”, aunque de momento, y como dicen que debe hacerse, comenzaremos por el principio: “Lágrimas de piedra”.

Es esta una obra que no robará demasiado tiempo al lector, a no ser que, como yo, se pierda soñando entre sus hojas. Esta novela ilustrada está dividida en tres partes, a lo largo de las cuales nuestro anfitrión, Ezequiel, atractivo no muerto y alma ávida en dar caza a jóvenes doncellas, volverá la vista hacia el pasado, recordando a todas aquellas que dejó malditas en su camino.

Lavernne, primera víctima y doncella, ofreció su cuello y quedó abandonada como dama del lago, sílfide creando una cohorte de jóvenes huérfanas que buscan refugio entre sus aguas, donde atraen a incautos que saciarán su sed, tal vez de amor, tal vez de sangre, mientras ella espera revivir un amor incestuoso, o recuperar a aquel que la arrojó al lodo por el resto de los siglos…

Marquise, princesa rumana enamorada del angel de un cementerio, es la segunda doncella cuya historia conocemos a través del ser oscuro. La joven dama ansía dar vida al querubín, y para ello utiliza a diario su música, pero es a través del beso mortal del vampiro que su sueño se hace real. Así vagará cual alma errante, tocando para su amante pétreo, y siendo un hada inmortal que cobija bajo su manto a jóvenes muertas por las artes malvadas de una madrastra…

Mas es Fávole, la tercera doncella, quien marca su existencia maldita, y se apodera de un corazón que ya no podía latir. Joven veneciana criada entre títeres, es arrojada de los brazos de su funesto amante, al ser este incapaz de condenarla una vida eterna. La que será conocida como “Reina de los Proscritos”, terminará ahogando su locura en las águas de Génova, y será a partir de ahora cuando comience su errático caminar en pos de aquel que robó su alma pero no su vida…

Y hasta aquí los seres atormentados que nos introducen en el mundo de esta joven ilustradora, seduciendo con susurros y malas artes, para arrastrarnos a la siguiente de sus obras. Pues a través de ellos, el lector cae en un sopor, bajo un embrujo, que le obliga a necesitar conocer qué ocurre entre estos seres de las tinieblas. Nos veremos en su siguiente obra…

Tears of Stone, by Victoria Frances

A work imbued with sinister beauty, that joins words full of legends and spectres together with the images they conjure in the reader’s mind. Victoria Francés is an illustrator that decorates her drawings with words, or a writer that manages to shapes her thoughts into images, resulting in a book that is unique in any genre. The Fávole trilogy consists of three volumes: “Lágrimas de Piedra” (Tears of Stone), “Libérame” (Set me Free), and finally “Gélida Luz” (Glacial Light), although for now we will be starting from the beginning, as we should, talking about the first one: “Tears of Stone”.

This work won’t require too much of a time investment from readers unless they, like me, get lost in dreams inside its pages. This graphic novel is divided into three parts, throughout which our host, Ezequiel, a handsome undead and a hungry soul chasing young maidens, will turn his gaze towards the past, and remember all of those he condemned in his path.

Lavernne, his first victim and maiden, offered him her neck and was abandoned as a lady of the lake, a sylph that created a whole cohort of orphan young girls seeking refuge in its waters, where they will charm careless men to quench their thirst, maybe for love, maybe for blood, while she yearns for the revival of an incestuous love, or the return of the one who threw her into the mud forevermore.

Marquise, a Romanian princess in love with an angel in a graveyard, is the second maiden whose story we learn through the dark being. The young lady longs for the ability to bring the cherub to life, and for that purpose she uses her music daily, but it’s only through a deadly kiss from the vampire that her dream turns into reality. Thus she will roam, like a wandering soul, playing for her stone lover, and becoming an immortal fairy that shelters under her robes all the young girls killed by their stepmother’s black magic…

But it’s Favole, the third maiden, the one who leaves a mark in his damned existence, and captures a heart that couldn’t beat anymore. A young Venetian raised among puppets, is thrown into the arms of her ill-fated lover, who is incapable to condemn her to eternal life. The one who will be hereafter known as “The Queen of the Outlaws”, will end up drowning her madness in the waters of Genoa, and that will be the starting point for her erratic journey in pursuit of the one who could steal her soul but not her life…

And so far these are the tormented creatures that will introduce us to the universe of this young illustrator, seducing us with whispers and black arts in order to drag us into her next work. For through them readers will fall into a torpor, an enchantment that will compel them to find out what happens to these darkness dwellers. We’ll meet again in her next piece…

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


  1. Ratna:

    I’ve seen Frances works before and I think her artwork is wonderful, now after reading this article I became know the story of each her graphics meaning in Pavole.

  2. Magda:

    She is an amazing writer too!