Archive for January, 2009
Remember – hjärnan kan inte gipsas! Posted by Transparent Language on Jan 8, 2009

The shortest day of the year is behind us, but that doesn’t mean that the days are getting all that much longer. While it’s not pitch black at 3PM anymore, it’s still dark. Add to this snow and ice, and driving can be very unpleasant. And dangerous. I drive, and I can’t even imagine how…
Vecka 2 Posted by Transparent Language on Jan 6, 2009

If you are a new arrival to Sweden, there is something that you will notice almost immediately. Even sooner than immediately (if that’s at all possible) if you have school-age kids. Or maybe you’ve already noticed it when dealing on-line with various Swedish establishments. I’m talking about the charming, but vaguely inconvenient to the uninitiated…
201 Swedish Verbs Posted by Transparent Language on Jan 3, 2009

Do you like learning about verbs? I mean, learning foreign verbs? If you’re like me, you probably love it and detest it, depending on the weather. Someone asked me not so long ago about a good book when it comes to mastering Swedish verbs. And I think I mentioned “201 Swedish Verbs (fully conjugated in…