Swedish Language Blog

Archive for July, 2010

Glassbilen Posted by on Jul 8, 2010

Ok people, whatever season you have in your country right now we’re still in summer in Sweden. Some common sites are the strawberry stands outside grocery stores. Both private people and sports clubs stand outside the shops and sell. The stands get set up in the morning and taken down in the evening. A very…

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Reverse Culture Shock in the US Posted by on Jul 7, 2010

Five days ago I landed in the US.  And not just for vacation. I am here to stay.  For a while at least.  It’s been a whirlwind these last few weeks, trying to cram European travel in, all the while preparing to move to a different country. It’s an incredibly intimidating feeling to move across…

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Iceland part 2 (The Vikings) Posted by on Jul 6, 2010

Some scholars say that the first ever settlers on Iceland were monks from Scotland (as early as in the second half of the 7th century). However, if it was so they must have left when the Vikings arrived around 874. The first settler who was named was a Norwegian settler Ingólfur Arnarson who came with his family to…

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Iceland part 1 Posted by on Jul 2, 2010

I haven´t really been posting so much lately because I spent the last month in Iceland. It was both work and fun. And let me tell you that Iceland is a very colorful spot in our Nordic area. I didn´t really know what to expect. I was thinking trolls, elves, recession and sunlight 247 on the…

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