Archive by Author
New Swedish costume drama might mark a new era after Swedish crime stories Posted by Tibor on Nov 19, 2018

Sweden is well known of its crime stories like Innocently Convicted (Oskyldigt dömd) from 2008, The Hypnotist (Hypnotisören) from 2012, The Millenium TV-series based on the novels of Stig Larsson (Men who hate women (Män som hatar kvinnor), The girl who played with fire (Flickan som lekte med elden) & The girl who kicked the Hornet’s nest…
Still no government in Sweden Posted by Tibor on Nov 12, 2018

The 25 September voted most of the Swedish parliament (Riksdagen) against Stefan Löfvén the sitting prime minister (statsminister) from the Socialdemocratic party. The most recent elections was held on 9/9 where the turn out was very close between the right and the left block: Alliance coalition between: (Moderate Party, Liberals, Center, Christian Democrats) 40,2 % Red-green…
Language learning in Europe Posted by Tibor on Oct 22, 2018

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Swedish (Gemensam referensram för språk) aka. GERS is a guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other countries. A – Language User at a new-beginner level A1 – Breakthrough A2 – Waystage B – Independent User B1 – Threshold B2 – Vantage C – Advanced user C1 – Effective…
The autumn song (Höstvisan) – Can you fill in the gaps? Posted by Tibor on Oct 15, 2018

Höstvisan by Tove Jansson Vägen hem var …………. lång och ingen har jag mött, nu blir …………. kyliga och sena. Kom trösta mig en smula, för nu är jag ganska …………… och med ens så förfärligt allena. Jag märkte ………….. förut att mörkret är så stort, går och tänker på allt det där…
Mushroom picking Posted by Tibor on Sep 17, 2018

There is a collective mushroom picking craziness going on from middle of August until mid September usually. It depends on the weather really and this year the mushrooms seem to come a bit later because of the dry summer we have had in Sweden this year as I mentioned in my post about the crayfish…
Kräftskiva – Crayfish party Posted by Tibor on Sep 14, 2018

Now it is the season for crayfish parties all around the country. From the middle of August to the middle of September. It is also the time for picking mushrooms. Compared to last year when it was an amazing mushroom year this year hasn’t been so generous with us. It is probably because of the…
My own American cocktail Posted by Tibor on Aug 20, 2018

This is going to be my last post about my American trip. I promise you some crayfish and mushroom picking as soon as I come home from my holidays. On my US trip I ended up in one of the oldest bars in Minneapolis. Little T’s aka Little Tijuana. The place serves Mexican food but…