Archive for May, 2011
Just a number? Posted by Katja on May 16, 2011
Every country that wants to keep track of its citizens has to have some sort of a system. In Sweden it is your birthdate plus an additional four numbers that are made unique for just you. Well the combination of the twelve digits are supposed to be unique to you anyway. For example: your number…
Vowels, Part 2 Posted by Stephen Maconi on May 14, 2011
Hej! After a short-term illness, I’m back to blogging with my second video on vowels! You may have noticed that in the past several videos I have mainly covered more beginner-level concepts. This is because I thought it would be a good idea to try to offer something useful to the wide spectrum of readers…
Skype to Microsoft Posted by Marcus Cederström on May 12, 2011
Having spent several years abroad, there is nothing I love less than Skype. I can’t tell you how much money, homesickness, and friendships it has saved me. The fact that it was founded by a Swede always made me like it just a little bit more. Silly, I know. But that’s what made me raise…
Sommar i Sverige Posted by Tibor on May 11, 2011
Inte ett moln så långt ögat kan nå inte en droppe regn på flera dar med en glass i min mun å i sandaler av plast går jag i solen och tänker på dig ljusblåa dagar seglar förbi Sommaren är kort de mesta regnar bort men nu är den här så ta för dig solen…
Win a trip to Sweden! Posted by jennie on May 10, 2011

Unfortunately it’s not me having a very generous moment. It’s Visit Sweden, have you seen their ongoing competition? If not, make sure to click your ways there a s a p and enter! You can actually win a trip to Sweden – accommodation included – and meet some fellow Sweden-lovers while you are waiting to cash…
Kebabpizza in Sweden (Sung to the tune of Cheeseburger in Paradise. Obviously.) Posted by Marcus Cederström on May 6, 2011
Sometimes it’s the little things that I miss from Sweden. And they aren’t necessarily Swedish, but just something that I got used to. Like lördagsgodis. Kalles. Snaps. You know, the important things in life. But as my first year back in school comes to a close, my first year of teaching wraps up, I have…
Society slows down Posted by Katja on May 5, 2011
Everybody is entitled to 5 weeks of paid holiday, and almost everybody wants their holiday during the hot weeks of the summer. During that period of time a lot of shops close, leaving only the big chains open. Healthcare centers are only open during a certain few hours, making people have to go the the…