Swedish Language Blog

Archive for June, 2011

Lingonberry, bag-in-box and long johns Posted by on Jun 30, 2011

 Do you have a collection of Ittala-glasses with the stickers left on at home? Does anyone in your family own either a Soda streamer or a spike mat? Have you ever had stick insect as a pet? Do you take it as a compliment if anyone tells you that you are “so un-Swedish?” Do you…

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Midsummer and holiday season in Sweden Posted by on Jun 28, 2011

Long time no see, dear blog readers. I’ve been on my longest holiday ever, doing it in proper Swedish four-weeks- in-a-row-stylee and it has been absolutely amazing. Visited Sweden for two of those, got married by the sea in Bohuslän (yes!) celebrated Midsummer’s eve (Midsommarafton) on a windy field in Skåne (Click here for my guide to a…

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Housing in Sweden Posted by on Jun 27, 2011

I cheated when I moved to Sweden. I blame my parents. I have dual citizenship so I didn’t have to deal with any sort of visa or residency permit. No work permit. No student permit. Life was good. But I did still have to deal with housing. And that doesn’t mean life is good. A…

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Familjeboken – A Swedish Learning Tool Posted by on Jun 21, 2011

I mentioned a few days ago that I spent the last academic year teaching Swedish. I had way too much fun with it and am excited to be teaching again next semester. But I’m always looking for little things I can use in class: movies, short films, radio clips, podcasts, and of course, books. And…

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Garden-mania! Posted by on Jun 20, 2011

Know anything about Sweden’s climate and daylight hours? For those of you who don’t, well, a very quick summary would be along the lines of: The south is much hotter than the north, but has shorter daylight hours, thus focusing on agriculture differently from the northern parts. The north has a lot of midnight sun…

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Swedish in Swedish-America Posted by on Jun 17, 2011

The US saw a lot of immigration from the Scandinavian countries in the late 1800s. While there were Swedes in the US before this point, this was one of the first large immigrant waves. Many settled in Minnesota and the surrounding areas. This isn’t at all surprising to anyone who may have been to Mora…

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Pets in Sweden Posted by on Jun 16, 2011

In general I would think of Sweden as a very animal-friendly country. Apart from there being a lot of vegans and vegetarians, not to mention the people who eat vegetarian once or twice a week, there are a lot of people that have pets. Cats and dogs are the most common pets. However, rabbits, hamsters…

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