Archive for September, 2012
Adjectives and specificness in Swedish, Part 2 Posted by Stephen Maconi on Sep 28, 2012
Eariler this week, I posted an article here on the Transparent Swedish Blog about how adjectives are conjugated in Swedish when describing uncountable nouns. Now I will explain how to conjugate adjectives when using countable nouns! First, a short review of adjectives in general. Adjectives can come either within nominal phrases (for example, en…
Fronting – Swedish Style Posted by Marcus Cederström on Sep 27, 2012
We’ve talked about adverbials before (Swedish Sentence Adverbials), they are those super handy words and phrases that help modify our sentences. Tibor has done an amazing job writing about some of the different types like Time Adverbs with certain tenses and RUMSADVERBIAL (Adverbs of place). Definitely check them out for more information. Today, I’m going…
Swedish Soprum and recycling Posted by Katja on Sep 26, 2012

Have you ever entered a garbage room in Sweden? If you have did you find it logical or just plain confusing? There actually is a really good set-up for it, with different containers for the different materials you are supposed to sort out and recycle. The main different types being; cardboard, paper (newspapers), plastic, metal…
Chanterelle season in Sweden Posted by Tibor on Sep 25, 2012

It is kind of nice to have the autumn around, when you realize how much you have missed some dishes or ingredients. Try to get the maximum out of the seasons while desperately waiting for the summer. It´s plenty of chanterelles out there in the forests and you can do a whole lot…
Adjectives and specificness in Swedish Posted by Stephen Maconi on Sep 24, 2012
Adjectives can come either within nominal phrases (for example, en stor hund, ‘a large dog’) or in the predicate (for example, hunden är stor, ‘the dog is large‘). Depending on where in the syntax of a Swedish sentence the adjective comes, it must be conjugated according to different rules. Here are the rules for uncountable…
Summetime – the time of Loppisar Posted by Katja on Sep 19, 2012
During the summer in Sweden people have more leisure time since everybody usually has 2 weeks of holiday at least. A common thing to do is to clean out your storage units, house, barn or other places where junk gets hidden during the rest of the year. Since the weather is nice and people want…
Visiting a friend in Sweden Posted by Stephen Maconi on Sep 17, 2012
When visiting someone you know in Sweden, whether it be for the first time or the tenth time, there are some things you should always remember as a guest at a Swedish household. First of all, never(!) forget to take off your shoes at the door upon entering the friend’s home. Forgetting this simple rule…