Archive for 'Grammar'
Hej då! A farewell re-cap of favorite Swedish blogs Posted by Chelsea B on Apr 4, 2022

Allt gott har ett slut, all good things must come to an end. The Transparent Language Swedish blog is being discontinued so it’s time to say hej då kära läsare (goodbye, dear readers!). From Swedish grammar to music, food, and culture, we’re covered a lot of content together over the last few years. Don’t worry…
Swedish Learning Resource Round-up Posted by Liz S on Mar 25, 2022

Are you looking for Swedish learning resources outside of your regular textbook? Or just looking for a refresh of resources you already use? This blog will highlight several great resources for Swedish learners broken out by language level. A Resource for Beginning Learners After covering the basics of Swedish, a great way to increase your…
Expand and Explore with Swedish Word of the Day Posted by Chelsea B on Dec 17, 2021

“Work on your Swedish every day. Just thinking about your last class or current vocabulary list can help with your Swedish studies. Ask yourself, can I name all the clothing items I’m wearing? Can I describe all the activities I see while I’m out and about?” Your Swedish instructors are probably constantly suggesting study tips…
5 Irregular Swedish Verbs You Need to Master Posted by Chelsea B on Nov 19, 2021

A student recently reminded me how difficult it is to memorize irregular verbs in your foreign language. Well actually, she said, “Swedish irregular verbs are the worst.” Att vara, att se, att göra, to name a few, are among the most common words used in daily Swedish. Just as language learning is a balance of…
Choosing Between Swedish “Because Phrases” Posted by Chelsea B on Aug 13, 2021

How do you say “because” in Swedish? Lots of ways! But what is the difference between darför, för att, eftersom, and för? While they all have similar meanings, they differ in application slightly. The primary difference is the sentence structure that accompanies them. Put your grammar caps on, let’s get nitty-gritty with “because phrases”! Varför…
Navigating Between Swedish Past and Perfect Tense Posted by Chelsea B on Jul 16, 2021

Memorizing and conjugating Swedish verbs needs to be more than just busywork. Learning how to use one tense over another is more important. To illustrate this point, we’re going to navigate the difference between the preteritum (past) and perfekt (perfect) tenses, and then how to use them together. So grab your favorite verb chart and…
Corona Pups: Swedish Dog Vocabulary Posted by Chelsea B on Jul 9, 2021

Did you adopt a furry friend to keep you company during quarantine from COVID-19? You’re not alone. On average, Swedes registered 1,000 more dogs monthly compared to pre-pandemic. If you are a relatively new hundägare (dog owner), chances are you have been practicing commands while creating routines and boundaries for your newest family member. With…