Education Vocabulary in Swedish Posted by Marcus Cederström on Oct 9, 2012 in Vocabulary
Plenty of readers here are working on their Swedish as they study away at university. So what better way than to include yet another vocabulary list? This one covers about about 20 different fields of study and an extra 15 words or so. It’s a long vocabulary list this time. It’s a long vocabulary this time though because several of these words should look very familiar to you. Take advantage of those words, they should be much easier to learn!
I’ve almost assuredly missed your field of study. For that, I’m sorry. But, definitely feel free to include your field of study in the comments below. T.ex. Jag läser __________ på universitetet.
As always, good luck!
Svenska |
Engelska |
(en) arkitektur | architecture |
(en) biologi | biology |
(en) datavetenskap | computer science |
(en) ekonomi | economics |
(en) företagsekonomi | business economics |
(en) fysik | physics |
(en) historia | history |
(en) ingenjörsvetenskap | engineering |
(en) journalistik | journalism |
(en) juridik | law |
(en) kemi | chemistry |
(en) konst | art |
(en) lingvistik | linguistics |
(en) litteratur | literature |
(en) matematik | mathematics |
(en) matte | math |
(en) medicin | medicine |
(en) sociologi | sociology |
(en) språkvetenskap | linguistics |
(en) statsvetenskap | political science |
(en) teologi | theology |
en föreläsning | lecture |
en grundskola | elementary school |
en högskola | college/technical college |
en klass | class |
en lärare | teacher |
en lektion | lesson/class |
en skola | school |
ett biämne | minor (secondary field of study) |
ett föredrag | lecture |
ett huvudämne | a major (main field of study) |
ett universitet | university |
läsa | read/study at university |
plugga | study |
studera | study |

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Jag läser lantbruksdjur avel och genetik på universitet. Jag är nästan klart. Det har varit himla kul men också jobbigt!!!
Marcus Cederström: