Flagga eller vimpel? Posted by Katja on Jul 9, 2013 in Living in Sweden
For those of you who have been to Sweden at some point, you might remember seeing both flags and pennants (vimpel). If you spent a longer period of time you might also have wondered if there was a system for when you are and aren’t allowed to raise the flags. But just when you thought you had cracked the code somebody did something that messed up your theory altogether.
The following post is a 101 (basic introduction) on flags and pennants in Sweden.
There are recommendations on the times when the Swedish flag should be raised. It is seen as improper to raise the flag before 8 o’clock in the morning during the summer half of the year (from 9 o’clock during the rest of the year) or to leave it hanging past 9 in the evening. Although, no regulation exists illegalizing having your flag raised 24 hours a day.
Special days such as the royal family’s names days, birthdays or the national holiday are typically Sweden related events. It is however agreed that the flag should be raised for events like United Nation’s Day, Nobel Day, New Year’s Eve, 1st of May, Midsummer, Easter, Election Day and Christmas too. On these days buses also have flags put up on their buses, a good way to actually notice that something special is being celebrated.
There is a lot of honor associated with flags as well. A worn out flag should be burned, and a damaged flag repaired straight away. In addition to that, there are a whole lot of guidelines regarding the order of flags when several nations’ flags are being flown.
Usually the raising of a flag is in celebration of something good that should be rejoiced over, but they are also used to mourn the death of somebody. Flags are then only raised to half-mast.
And then last but not least, the pennant. It is allowed to be raised all the time, but never together with the flag. Quite many pennants are half yellow half blue. The blue part must be at the top. If you have a cross-pennant this is not to be used instead of a flag on flag days.
pennant – vimpel
flag – flagga

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