Känslor på Svenska Posted by Katja on Jul 10, 2012 in Swedish Language
To be able to convey to people what you are feeling is something very important. I’m sure many of you are familiar with the feeling of frustration by not having the words to express yourself. That is why this post will give you at least a couple of phrases for expressing your feelings in present tense.
For example you would say Jag känner mig nöjd. If you wanted to say that you feel content. Jag känner mig is the “I feel” part and then the following word describes what you feel. If you also want to let the person you are talking to know how to what degree you are feeling then you can add one of those words before the word nöjd.
Example: Jag känner mig väldigt nöjd.
Jag känner mig “arg”.
Jag är “irriterad”.
Jag känner mig nöjd med min insats.
To say these things in past tense you only need to conjugate the verb for either being or feeling, not the one for how you are or how you are feeling.
Example: Jag kände mig trött.
Note: Since this sentence doesn’t give any information on when you felt the way you did. Therefore it can be a good idea (to avoid misunderstandings etc.) to say when, eg. Jag kände mig trött igår. I felt tired yesterday.
The other way of saying the exactly same thing is to say Jag var trött igår. Which is only telling the other person that you were tired yesterday instead of saying that you felt tired.
The future tense is a little bit more complicated because there are a couple more helping verbs which can be used. If it is a conditional sentence, for example if you were to say “If you do that I will be angry” “Jag kommer bli arg om du gör så”. “Bli” is the future form for “är”, and is almost always used when talking about a state you will arrive at. “Jag kommer vara arg” may not be grammatically incorrect but it just sounds wrong. So stick to “kommer bli” when you want to express how you will be feeling.
If it is a hypothetical sentence, if something you want to happen should then you would become happy. “Jag skulle bli glad om du sjöng” (I would be happy if you sang).
Svenska | English | Comment |
ledsen | sad | |
glad | happy | |
lycklig | blissful | |
upprymnd | elevated | |
orolig | worried | |
arg | angry | *only är verb |
besviken | disappointed | |
trött | tired | |
upprörd | upset | *only är verb |
nöjd | pleased | |
förvirrad | confused | |
hungrig | hungry | |
törstig | tirsty | |
rädd | scared |
Try putting different words into these sentences to express what you are feeling.

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