Swedish Language Blog

Tag Archives: immigration

New Swedish costume drama might mark a new era after Swedish crime stories Posted by on Nov 19, 2018

Sweden is well known of its crime stories like Innocently Convicted (Oskyldigt dömd) from 2008, The Hypnotist (Hypnotisören) from 2012, The Millenium TV-series based on the novels of Stig Larsson (Men who hate women (Män som hatar kvinnor), The girl who played with fire (Flickan som lekte med elden) & The girl who kicked the Hornet’s nest…

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The blonde and blue-eyed Swede and immigration Posted by on Mar 31, 2010

Blonde hair and blue-eyed Swedes can be found, but less and less in groups. By now it is of course no surprise to you to hear that all Swedes don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes. Nope, Sweden has been changing. Around 20 percent of the Swedish population has a foreign background. The top three…

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Deconstructing Swedish Stereotypes – Blue-Eyed Blondes Posted by on Apr 3, 2009

Before I begin to talk about those Nordic blondes (or non-Nordic non-blondes, as the case may be), I want to thank you for your emails. It’s really touching to see that so many of you took the time to write to see if I was OK. Some of you heard or read about the chicken…

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Immigration to Sweden – A Few Thoughts Posted by on Mar 28, 2009

Last time we talked about Swedish emigration to the US, but what about foreign immigration to Sweden? This is a subject that everybody has an opinion about and when discussing those opinions, tempers can run high, even among normally very reserved Swedes. I don’t know if as an immigrant myself, I should be even discussing…

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Illegal Immigrants in Sweden? Posted by on Sep 28, 2008

I’ve been reading the news like I always do and because this is Sweden, the news are not all that interesting. An elderly man died after swallowing his dentures. A hurricane warning issued for Norrland for this weekend. Yes, it’s blowing like crazy, branches are falling off of trees and stuff. For real. Three charged…

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