Tag Archives: Knäckebröd
Benefits of Hårdbröd (knäckebröd) Posted by Katja on Apr 9, 2012

When somebody says bread, most people probably think of soft bread straight away, however after living in Sweden for a while you’ll know that you don’t only think of the loafs of bread, but even hard bread in it’s thin slices will occur to you. Hard bread actually has a lot of benefits, would you…
Allt för Sverige Posted by jennie on Nov 2, 2011

Last Sunday, the first episode of a brand new entertainment show aired on SVT, Sweden’s public television. It is called “Allt för Sverige” (Everything for Sweden) and the plot is pretty…well not simple but the concept is certainly recognizable: Take 10 Americans with Swedish roots to Sweden. Teach them everything they need to know about…
How to buy Swedish food abroad Posted by jennie on Sep 1, 2011

As a Swede living abroad, the monthly trip to IKEA is big treat. Not so much for the flat packs and the tea candles, but more so for the mouth watering food department. Lingonberry jam, pickled herring, knäckebröd, Daim cake… Well, you probably all know what it’s like. Or, what it WAS like, I should…
Swedish hard bread is called Knäckebröd Posted by Katja on Aug 23, 2011

Knäckebröd is a crisp and hard bread made out of Swedish rye. About 85% of Swedish households eat “Knäckebröd”, compared to about 45% in Germany and only 8% in France. Knäckebröd originated in amongst others the province Värmland in Sweden. This hard bread is rolled out to thin, flat cakes with a blunt spiked rolling-pin…