Tag Archives: pappaledig
Useful and cool Swedish words part 1 Posted by Tibor on May 15, 2017

Last year in 2015 there were approximately 13000 new Swedish words that were registered by SAOL (Svenska Akademins Ordlista) and around 9000 words disappeared from the list. This kind of increase hasn’t happened since the 1950s, wrote Johan Lindquist Göteborgs Posten 2015. See the article here in Swedish: link In this blog post I have…
When Daddies Take Care of Kids – Gender Equality Posted by Transparent Language on Jan 24, 2009

I am back from my Caribbean adventure and it was indeed lovely. We didn’t meet any Swedes along the way. Instead, we ran into two Norwegians while driving to Half Moon Bay in Antigua. So that was our Scandinavian connection for the week. It was an interesting trip, but the most interesting bit happened in…