Swedish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Stockholm

Stalkholming Posted by on Oct 26, 2011

Websites featuring good looking Swedish men and women out partying are not at all uncommon in Sweden. Every weekend, thousands of pictures are published featuring people out at the clubs.  Sometimes these websites are hosted by the clubs themselves, other times not. A new website in Sweden has emerged though, this one also publishing pictures…

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Age Discrimination in Sweden? Posted by on Aug 29, 2011

I have been refused entry to a bar in Stockholm. Because of my age. I was 23 at the time. The drinking age in Sweden is 18, and the age at which you can buy alcohol from Systembolaget is 20. But, at the age of 23, I was still refused. I had not been drinking…

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Childcare and Kulturkrock Posted by on Aug 18, 2011

By now, most Swedeophiles now that the Crown Princess of Sweden is pregnant. Yay. Her marriage was one of the biggest news stories of the year last year. I can only imagine what the birth of an heir to the throne will be like. Interesting to say the least. But with the birth of a…

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Stockholm’s Pride Festival Posted by on Jul 29, 2010

Okay my dear gay friends and straight friends. Stockholm’s Pride Festival (Stockholms Pride) is the biggest Pride Festival in Northern Europe. No one really is astonished anymore about Pride in Sweden and that is one of the reasons why Pride has become more of an intercultural festival (and less of sub-culture festival) where people celebrating love, unity and…

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Sankta Lucia and Fire Hazards Posted by on Dec 10, 2009

On December 13th, Swedes will celebrate Saint Lucia, an Italian saint and martyr from the fourth century. Santa Lucia, as both the Saint and the day are known here in Sweden, will be venerated by a stereotypically blonde Swedish girl walking around with live candles on her head. She will be followed by girls in…

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Beware of varsågod Posted by on Dec 2, 2009

Airports in Stockholm Posted by on Feb 3, 2009

I just got to spend a day in Stockholm, and as you’ve probably realized, that doesn’t happen every often. Stockholm is simply too far. And getting there can be quite pricey, too. In fact, it frequently turns out cheaper to fly from Stockholm to another country than it is to fly within Sweden. True, you’d…

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