Swedish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Summer holiday

Midsummer and holiday season in Sweden Posted by on Jun 28, 2011

Long time no see, dear blog readers. I’ve been on my longest holiday ever, doing it in proper Swedish four-weeks- in-a-row-stylee and it has been absolutely amazing. Visited Sweden for two of those, got married by the sea in Bohuslän (yes!) celebrated Midsummer’s eve (Midsommarafton) on a windy field in Skåne (Click here for my guide to a…

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Society slows down Posted by on May 5, 2011

Everybody is entitled to 5 weeks of paid holiday, and almost everybody wants their holiday during the hot weeks of the summer. During that period of time a lot of shops close, leaving only the big chains open. Healthcare centers are only open during a certain few hours, making people have to go the the…

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