Tag Archives: words
Old Norse words in English Posted by Tibor on Nov 28, 2016

We know that English is a mixture of a lot of languages like Celtic, Gaelic, Latin languages and also some Old Norse. Have you ever thought about it that there is a deeper connection to the Nordics in Scotland and England than you would think? There are plenty of traces of Old Norse in different…
Hangover anxiety, anyone? Posted by jennie on Dec 18, 2009
It’s a well known fact that Swedish is influenced by English. Unfortunately, this relationship does not work both ways. Apart from smorgasbord and ombudsman, there’s not much Swedish influences in general English (apart from in Scottish, but that’s a whole different post). But Swedish is full of great words that pretty much speak for themselves and words that…
Men dog eleven? Posted by jennie on Dec 7, 2009
In these Google Translation times, the language missunderstandings are probably more and bigger than ever. A friend experienced this when he tried to translate a restaurant meny from Swedish to English and got the not very tempting result “dandruff fish” meaning “mjäll fisk” in Swedish, as in a fish that is very tender. NOT a fish served with flakes from the…