Thai Language Blog

Archive for 'Videos'

15 Great Posts About Thailand and Thai Posted by on Sep 10, 2014

We’re thrilled to be back online with the Thai Language and Culture blog after a couple of months off. I’m especially excited to write about Thailand and the language and culture of this fascinating country since I just booked a trip there for next month. This will be my fourth time visiting Thailand, and I’m…

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Two Months in Thailand Posted by on Sep 3, 2014

สวัสดี! Hello again to all of our readers, The Thai Language & Culture blog has been on a bit of a hiatus as of late, but we’re happy to get things going again this fall. I’m Sasha, and I’ll be taking you on an epic tour of Thailand over the next several months with in-depth…

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“One Month in Thailand” Wrap-Up Posted by on Dec 19, 2011

The year 2011 started out with one of the best experiences of my life, as I spent a month traveling through Thailand and into Laos. We set out on our trip seeking a respite from the cold, dry, Beijing winter, with a pleasant beach vacation. What we ended up with was the adventure of a…

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Party Time Near the Mekong River, and Farewell Thailand Posted by on Dec 15, 2011

For our last night in Thailand, we stumbled upon a riverside party with karaoke and plenty of booze. We had some fun, made new friends, sang songs, drank wine out of a bag, and sent some lanterns up to the heavens. The next day, we boarded the 2-day long slow boat ride down the Mekong…

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Chiang Rai Day Trip (Video) Posted by on Nov 9, 2011

For one of our last stops in Thailand, we took a day trip through Chiang Rai (เมืองเชียงราย). We stopped at the beautiful White Temple, the Golden Triangle, the Burmese border, and a Longneck Hilltribe Village. A written post was made about this trip a few months back, and can be seen HERE.  

Chiang Mai (Video) Posted by on Aug 12, 2011

The northern capital of Thailand, Chiang Mai is a city rich with history and culture. In this video, take a tour of a few of the hundreds of Buddhist temples that are scattered throughout the city by day, and wander through the famous night bazaar in the evening.

How to say Planking in Thai? Posted by on Aug 8, 2011

For those who don’t already know, planking is the recent fad that involves a person laying face down with a stiff body. It seems lame/silly, but when you see pictures of planking in amusing situations/places it can be quite fun (as fun as a short-lived fad can be).

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