Vietnamese Language Blog

Archive for 'Foods'

“Little Vietnam” in Chicago Posted by on Mar 8, 2022

After the end of the Vietnam war, there was an influx of Vietnamese immigrants who resettled in the United States (U.S.), especially in the 80s and 90s. As a result, there are many “Little Vietnams” or “Little Saigons” established in big cities throughout the U.S., where one can find Asian groceries and Authentic Vietnamese restaurants…

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Happy Thanksgiving! Posted by on Nov 24, 2021

CHÚC MỪNG LỄ TẠ ƠN! (Happy Thanksgiving) Time does fly fast when you are busy. Labor Day weekend was like yesterday to me. I turned around, and now lễ Tạ Ơn (Thanksgiving) is coming in just a few days! Following the American tradition of celebrating lễ Tạ Ơn, the Vietnamese community in the United States…

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The Use of Lemongrass in Vietnamese Cuisine Posted by on Nov 8, 2021

If you are familiar with Vietnamese cuisine, you would know that they use all different kinds of herbs in daily cooking. One of the most versatile herbs that I use very often in my kitchen is lemongrass. Today, I would like to share with you the love I have for this very wonderful, useful, yet…

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The Chocolate World Posted by on Aug 2, 2021

It would be hard for me to believe if you said you have never had a piece of chocolate or a hot chocolate drink in your entire life. Chocolate is a very addictive treat and has a large pool of dedicated fans around the world, especially in western countries. Chocolate pairs well with wine. Chocolate…

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Touring the Central of Vietnam Posted by on Jun 22, 2021

The central region of Vietnam has so much to offer, if you are into history, culture, and sightseeing. While the North has Hanoi, the capital of many dynasties in the past, and four UNESCO Di sản thế giới (Word Heritage) sites, the Central has plenty of its own glorious tourist attractions. The Central region also…

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Dandelion Plant – Love and Hate Posted by on Apr 12, 2021

In Vietnamese, the dandelion plant is called cây Bồ công anh. Other common names are cây diếp hoang, bồ cóc, mũi mác, mãn địa kim tiền, and hoàng hoa địa đinh. This plant is considered a type of cỏ dại (weed). You know it’s Spring when hoa Bồ công anh (dandelion flower) blooms everywhere. Most…

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Basic Ingredients in Vietnamese Cuisine Posted by on Apr 5, 2021

Vietnamese food is considered one of the healthiest cuisines in the world in my opinion.  Maybe I’m biased, since I am Vietnamese, but with a lot of fresh ingredients; herbs, and vegetables in every traditional dish, this diet is pretty low in calories but very flavorful and tasty. If you have to pick what basic…

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