Tag Archives: easy Russian words
5 Most Common Russian Gestures Posted by Jenya on Mar 25, 2014

When you are lost for words, especially if we are talking about foreign words, it is pretty common to resort to gestures. With this in mind, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to shed some light on the most common Russian gestures. The information on their origin seems to be pretty conflicting. However…
50 Easiest Russian Words to Remember Posted by Jenya on Feb 5, 2014

If you just started learning Russian, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you already know anywhere between 20 to 100 Russian words. How is it possible? Actually, there is a pretty simple explanation behind it. Every language has a slew of loanwords, e.g. words borrowed from one language and incorporated into another…
Time to Lighten Up Posted by yelena on Aug 28, 2012
What can be easier that learning Russian verbs? Russian adjectives, of course! And to switch gears, let’s choose лёгкое слово (easy word). In fact, why not talk about this exact adjective – лёгкий. To begin with, лёгкий might describe an object that is light as in Лёгкий танк весит меньше, а двигается быстрее, чем тяжёлый…