Arabic Language Blog

Archive for May, 2016

Plane Crash – reading Posted by on May 20, 2016

Read the news story below from bbcarabic and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end of the post to help your comprehension .  اختفاء طائرة ركاب مصرية خلال رحلة من باريس إلى القاهرة اختفت طائرة ركاب تابعة لشركة مصر للطيران خلال رحلة بين باريس والقاهرة. وقال الرئيس الفرنسي…

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Listening Answers: An Expat in Japan Posted by on May 19, 2016

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here are the answers to the last listening comprehension exercise about the first Egyptian doctor to get a work permit in Japan and who learned the Japanese language while studying there. If you would like to have another look at the exercise, just click here. الإجــابــات Answers اسم البرنامج على…

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Listening Exercise: An Expat in Japan Posted by on May 19, 2016

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! What second language are you learning or have you already learned? Dare you take Japanese! Let’s listen to this Egyptian guy who is the first Arab to get a work permit as a doctor in Japan and try to answer some comprehension questions about him and his life in Japan. اِســتــمــع…

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Luxor; Capital of International Tourism for 2016 Posted by on May 18, 2016

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Have you ever been to Luxor? Yes, that Egyptian ancient city! The executive council of the World Tourism Organization مــنــظــمــة الــســيــاحــة الــعــالــمــيــة of the United Nations الأمم المتحدة has named Luxor earlier this month as the Capital of International Tourism عــاصــمــة الــســيــاحــة الــعــالــمــيــة for 2016. The city has been selected…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Graduation in Arabic Posted by on May 17, 2016

Marhaba! At most schools and universities around the world, especially ones in North America and the Middle East, tens of thousands of students celebrate the end of the learning journey in May. It could be a Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral degree, or a professional license, we have all in different ways participated in a graduation…

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An Exciting Event for Women in Algeria (2) Posted by on May 15, 2016

Marhaba! I am sure you all enjoyed learning about the first women’s marathon and race in Algeria. It is a remarkable story and I will keep a close watch of other groundbreaking developments over the next few years in Algeria. Today, I want to share the answers to the listening comprehension exercise in the previous…

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An Exciting Event for Women in Algeria Posted by on May 14, 2016

Marhaba! I recently learned of a very interesting event for women in Algeria. Today, I am sharing the news story via Al Arabiya. In contrast to previous posts where I discussed the major plot of the news story, today I want you to make sense of the event in Algeria with minimal hints. As you…

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