50 English Words of Arabic Origin Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Mar 6, 2018 in Arabic Language, Vocabulary
The influence of Arabic on some European languages was due to the Arab conquest of Spain, Portugal, and parts of France. Also, for over six centuries, Arabic culture was highly prestigious which added to this linguistic influence. Hundreds of words in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English are borrowed from Arabic. Some of these words have been slighted altered to suit these languages respective sound system, and some are still pronounced as they sound in Arabic. This post is about 50 English words that are of Arabic origin.
1) Alchemy
Alchemy is from الكِيْمِيَاء ‘chemistry, the art of transmuting metals.’
2) Alcohol
Alcohol is from الكُحُول ‘alcohol, liquid produced by fermenting sugar, starch and other substances’
3) Algebra
Algebra is from الجَبْر ‘algebra, a branch of mathematics in which letters/symbols are used to represent unknown numbers.’
4) Algorithm
Algorithm is from الخُوَارِزْمِي ‘algorithm, decimal notation of numbers, named after الخَوَارِزْمِي, a famous Arabic mathematician.’
5) Alkali
Alkali is from القَلْي ‘alkali, caustic substance that dissolves in water.’
6) Amber
Amber is from عَنْبَر ‘amber, a wax-like produced in the intestines of whales and found floating in tropical seas and used in perfume manufacture.’
7) Apricot
Apricot is from البَرْقُوق ‘apricot, an orange-yellow soft fruit, resembling a small peach.’
8) Arsenal
Arsenal is from دَار الصِّنَاعَة ‘arsenal, the store of weapons and ammunition, from دَار “house” and صِنَاعَة “industry”, the house of industry.’
9) Assassin
Assassin is from حَشَّاشِيْن ‘assassin, militant fanatics of Shiite Ismaili branch of Islam that ruled large of the Islamic State during the 12th to the 14th centuries and were used to send to assassin whoever opposed the Ismaili State.
10) Athanor
Athanor is from التَّنُّور ‘furnace used by alchemists, from الـ “the” and تَنُّوْر “baker’s oven”.’
11) Attar
Attar is from عِطْر ‘perfume, essence.’
12) Bulbul
Bulbul is from بُلْبُل ‘a songbird’
13) Cadi
Cadi is from قَاضِي ‘a judge.’
14) Caliph
Caliph is from خَلِيْفَة ‘caliph, the chief Muslim civil and religious leader.’
15) Camphor
Camphor is from كَافُوْر ‘camphor, a white crystalline substance that evaporates easily and has aromatic smell, used in insect repellents and in manufacturing celluloid.’
16) Candy
Candy is from قَنْد ‘candy, the frozen honey that is extracted from sugarcane.’
17) Carob
Carob is from خَرُّوْب ‘carob, the edible brownish-purple sweet pod of an Arabian tree from which carob juice is made and sweet powder is made and used in chocolate.’
18) Coffee
Coffee is from قَهْوَة ‘coffee, a hot drink made from roasted and ground the coffee shrub seeds.’
19) Cotton
Cotton is from قُطْن ‘cotton, a soft white fibrous substance which surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant and is used as textile and thread for sewing.’
20) Curcuma
Curcuma is from كُرْكُم ‘curcuma, a plant of a genus that includes turmeric and other species yielding spices, dyes, and medicinal products.’
21) Dragoman
Dragoman is from تُرْجُمَان ‘dragoman, an interpreter.’
22) Durra
Durra is from ذُرَة ‘durra, sorghum grains.’
23) Gazelle
Gazelle is from غَزَال ‘gazelle, a small antelope.’
24) Ghoul
Ghoul is from غُوْل ‘ghoul, an evil spirit which Arabs believe appear in different shapes that misguide them and eventually eat them, some believe it is an imaginary animal that does not exist.’
25) Giraffe
Giraffe is from زَرَافَة ‘giraffe, the tallest living animal.’
26) Harem
Harem is from حَرِيْم ‘harem, the females in the Muslim household.’
27) Hashish
Hashish is from حَشِيْش ‘hashish, cannabis’
28) Henna
Henna is from حِنَّاء ‘henna, powdered leaves of a tropical shrub, used as a reddish-brown dye color the hands and hair.’
29) Howdah
Howdah is from هَوْدَج ‘howdah, a seat with an umbrella-like cover used for riding on the back of a camel, especially for women.’
30) Jar
Jar is from جَرَّة ‘jar, a wide-mouthed cylindrical container made of pottery.’
31) Jinn
Jinn is from جِنّ ‘jinn, an intelligent spirit able to appear in human and animal form.’
32) Lemon
Lemon is from لَيْمُون ‘lemon’
33) Lute
Lute is from العُوْد ‘lute, a stringed instrument with a long neck and a rounded body with a flat front.’
34) Magazine
Magazine is مَخْزَن ‘magazine, store for arms, products, grains, and alike.’
35) Mattress
Mattress is from مَطْرَح ‘mattress, the place where a rug/mat is spread out to lie / sleep on.’
36) Minaret
Minaret is from مَنَارَة ‘minaret, a slender tower, especially that of a mosque, from the top of which calls for prayers are announced.’
37) Nadir
Nadir is from نَظِيْر ‘nadir, in astronomy the celestial sphere directly below and observer.’
38) Noria
Noria is from نَاعُوْرَة ‘a device from raising water from a stream, consisting of a chain of buckets revolving around a wheel driven by the current.’
39) Popinjay
Popinjay is from بَبَغَاء ‘popinjay, a parrot.’
40) Quintal
Quintal is from قِنْطَار ‘quintal, a unit of weight equal to 100 pounds.’
41) Saffron
Saffron is from زَعْفَرَان ‘saffron, an orange-yellow spice used for flavoring and coloring food.’
42) Sahib
Sahib is from صَاحِب ‘sahib, friend.’
43) Salep
Salep is from سَحْلَب ‘salep, a hot drink made from powder that is take from orchid and may be used as thickener in cookery.’
44) Simoom
Simoom is from سَمُوْم ‘simoom, a hot dry wind. ‘
45) Sofa
Sofa is from صُفَّة ‘sofa, a seat with an umbrella-like cover from the sun rays next to big mosques.’
46) Sugar
Sugar is from سُكَّر ‘sugar, a sweet substance extracted from sugarcane or red beet.’
47) Sumac
Sumac is from سُمَّاق ‘sumac, a small tree the fruits of which are used as a spice in Arabic food.’
48) Syrup
Syrup is from شَرَاب ‘syrup, beverage, often made of sugar and water.’
49) Tamarind
Tamarind is from تَمْر هِنْدِي ‘tamarind, tamarind pods from a tropical African tree used to make drinks.’
50) Tariff
Tariff is from تَعْرِيْف ‘tariff; to make known or to notify; a list of prices of items, wages small works, and alike.’

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I believe I read somewhere that بلبل was of Persian origin!
@David I don’t think so as the word has multiple meanings in Arabic, as verbs and nouns and all of which resemble to some degree the sound of the bulbul.