Marhaba! Arabic is awesome-I know that all you Arabic lovers reading this now agree with my simple three key word sentence. We provide you with songs, recipes, grammar and vocabulary lessons, and comprehension exercises to help you learn and practice Arabic. Today, however, I want to do something different. I want to take you all back to the basics and ask one question: why learn Arabic? I am sure most of you thought about this a lot, and I ask you to all share thoughts on why you decided to learn Arabic. Share them here in the comments section or on our Facebook page or through Twitter. I look forward to your thoughts. So, again, why study Arabic? I think these are top 7 reasons.

Image from Flickr
1) Arabic is the 5th most commonly spoken native language in the entire world!
العربية هي خامس أكثر لغة شائعة في العالم
2) Arabic is the language of the Holy Koran and thus, the liturgical language of Islam!
العربية هي لغة القرآن الكريم وبالتالي لغة الدين الاسلامي

Image from Flickr
3) The world’s biggest and richest oil reserves are in the Arab World. You might need to learn Arabic to pursue lucrative career opportunities in the Gulf.
مخزون النفط الاكبر في العالم موجود في العالم العربي. قد تريدون تعلم العربية من اجل السعي وراء مصالح مهنية بالخليج

Image from Flickr
4) Some of the world’s most historical sites are in the Arab world, such as Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan.
ان معظم المواقع الاثرية في العالم موجودة في العالم العربي, مثل مصر,لبنان, والاردن
5) Learn Arabic to travel smoothly across the region and to be able to converse with locals.
تعلم العربية من أجل السفر بسهولة بكافة انحاء المنطقة والتحدث مع اهل المنطقة

Image from Flickr
6) Arabic is not easiest of the languages to learn, but if you really want to challenge yourself to learn a beautiful rhythmic language then look no further; Arabic is your challenge.
العربية ليست لغة سهلة التعلم, لكن اذا اردت تحدي نفسك بتعلم لغة ايقاعية جميلة فقد وصلت الى الهدف. العربية هي التحدي
7) If you want to stand out and impress people around you, then pick up Arabic NOW!
اذا اردت الابراز والتأثير على الناس من حولك, تعلم العربية الآن
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد
Mentors Linguist:
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”- Frank Smith. This is the reason why we teach Arabic! Contact us on
Long Live Arabic and Live Love Arabic