Almanqoos (Part 3) Posted by aziza on Feb 9, 2018 in Arabic Language, Grammar
This post deals with a tricky type of nouns in Arabic (الاسم المنقوص). This is a noun that ends in ي /ii/ sound, e.g. النادي ، القاضي ، المحامي.
It has been dealt with in previous posts:
In this post, I present how this noun appears in dual and plural forms.
Dual nouns and adjectives end in the suffix (ان) if they are in the nominative case, and in the suffix (ين) if they are in the accusative or genitive case. The following examples shows how the manqoos appears in the dual form.
القاضي القاضيان القاضيين
النادي الناديان الناديين
المحامي المحاميان المحاميين
Although the final ي does not appear in the indefinite form of the singular noun, it is restored in the dual, as the suffixes come after it, e.g.
قاضٍ قاضيان قاضيين
نادٍ ناديان ناديين
محامٍ محاميان محاميين
Examples in sentences:
محمد قاضٍ محترم.
محمد وصالح قاضيان محترمان.
اشتركت في نادٍ كبير.
اشتركت في ناديين كبيرين.
Sound masculine plural nouns and adjectives end in the suffix (ون) if they are in the nominative case, and in the suffix (ين) if they are in the accusative or genitive case. The final ي of the manqoos noun will change into و in the nominative case.
المحامي المحامون المحامين
محامٍ محامون محامين
Examples in sentences:
هذا محامٍ مشهور.
هؤلاء محامون مشهورون.
تكلمنا مع محامين مشهورين.

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Djaouida Bensaadoun:
Could you please make the blog accessible to all Arabic levels learners.
Grammar is not to be taugh to the large public learners.
Please share activities /games/kids songs/ culture of different Arabic countries not only Egypt or Lebanon
Thank you for your help