Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Laylat Al-Qadr Posted by on May 26, 2019

It is the holy month of Ramadan, and today is the 21st of Ramadan, so we started the last ten days of the holy month. The last ten days are particularly important for Muslims because they include ليلة القدر ‘the Night of Decree’ or ‘the Night of Destiny’. This is a very special night for…

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Kam “كَمْ” Posted by on May 15, 2019

In this post we’ll look at the little word كَم and the familiar and unfamiliar ways we can use it. كَم is mainly used to ask how much or how many. For example: كَم سِعر هذا القَميص؟                 How much is this shirt? كَم ثَمَن هذه الطاوِلة؟                   How much is this table? كَم ساعة عَملت هذا…

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Hiking in Ammiq Valley نزهة في وادي عميق Posted by on May 12, 2019

Marhaba readers! Yesterday, I went hiking in an area called Wadi Ammiq (وادي عميق) or The Ammiq Wetland. it  is the largest remaining freshwater wetland in Lebanon. It’s located in the West Bekaa Valley, Lebanon’s largest agricultural valleys. It was a five hour hike from the top of the mountain and through the wetlands. It…

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Words and Phrases Used During Ramadan Posted by on May 8, 2019

In this post, we’ll be learning words and phrases that you’ll hear during Ramadan. Let’s begin with wishing someone a happy Ramadan! !رَمَضان كَريم      Have a generous Ramadan! !رَمَضان مُبارك    Have a blessed Ramadan! !كُل عام وأنت بِخير   May you be well every year! (Note: This phrase is also used for Eid…

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Times of Day in Arabic Posted by on Apr 17, 2019

Times of day in Arabic

In Arabic, you have your basic vocabulary words for morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. Yet, people in Arabic speaking countries tend to use a few more. In Islam, there are five prayer times in a day. Each prayer has a name according to the time of day it is prayed. For Muslims who pray…

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Lebanese Tabboule Recipe وصفة التبولة اللبنانية Posted by on Feb 28, 2019

Food is one of the most important pillars of our culture. Everything in our life revolves around food and hospitality. Tabboule has been our most celebrated dish since forever! It’s a super fresh, green salad with a lemony twist and crushed wheat. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals and is very healthy! I would suggest…

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What’s Valentine’s Day like in the Middle East? Posted by on Feb 13, 2019

photo of two heart balloons

I’m sure many of you learning Arabic know the word “حبيبي” meaning “my love”. Valentine’s day عيد الحُب  or عيد الفالنتاين is right around the corner. Do you happen to have a حبيبي you are planning to celebrate with?   Like many in Amman, Jordan, I grew up watching American movies showing couples having dinner…

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