Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Storytelling With Souad Massi Posted by on Jul 8, 2017

Marhaba! Today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite contemporary singers in the Arab world, Souad Massi (سعاد ماسي)! Born in Algeria, Massi is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. She first started performing at around the age of 17, and started her career with the political rock band Atakor. After moving to…

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Dancing in a Hijab (2) Posted by on Jun 27, 2017

Marhaba! I hope you enjoyed listening to the ballerina’s story and were inspired by her determination to follow her dreams even when others saw her hijab as an impediment. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the listening comprehension post. I am also sharing the news story to refresh your memory…

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Dancing in a Hijab Posted by on Jun 24, 2017

Marhaba! Today I want to share with you an inspiring and interesting story. It is the story of a ballet dancer, who has chosen to dance with her hijab. I thought this was such an inspiring story that shows how ones beliefs should not contradict with ones aspirations and dreams. I will share this story…

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How to say ‘very much’ in Arabic 10 different ways? Posted by on Jun 21, 2017

Today, we’re going to learn how to say ‘very much’ in Arabic, in seven different way. To do this, I’m using a song (check video below) by the Egyptian singer – Tamer Hosny – to be able to focus on each of these phraseس and learn how to pronounce them. As you probably know…

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5 Ways to Say Happy Eid! Posted by on Jun 20, 2017

Marhaba! As you have learned from the post on Top 10 Facts About Ramadan, this holy month ends with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr (عيد الفطر). Eid (عيد), which means generally holiday in Arabic and which is used to abbreviate the name of the holiday, is a joyous occasion and is celebrated with prayer, family…

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White Wednesday, Answers Posted by on Jun 18, 2017

In this post, I present the answers of the reading comprehension exercise, based on a news story adapted from BBC Arabic. لماذا ترتدي الإيرانيات اللون الأبيض أيام الأربعاء؟ تلقى حملة جديدة زخما في إيران على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ضد القانون الذي يجبر المرأة على ارتداء الحجاب. وتستخدم المشاركات في الحملة هشتاغ #الأربعاء الأبيض، وينشرن صورا ومقاطع فيديو لأنفسهن…

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Sing With Asmahan: Come My Darling Posted by on Jun 17, 2017

Marhaba! Today I want to introduce you to a legendary Arabic singer and actress who lived during the early 20th century, Asmahan (اسمهان)! Born in Syria as Amal al-Atrash, she lived and performed mostly in Egypt and Lebanon under her stage name Asmahan between the 1920s and the 1940s. Today we are going to listen…

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