Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Arabic for Librarians (Part 4) Posted by on Aug 30, 2015

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Since libraries play an important role in our lives, we have started a series of blogs introducing different situations in a library setting to get to know how to use Arabic in the library. Today, we have another conversation between a librarian and a library patron to ask for using…

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Malfouf – stuffed cabbage Posted by on Aug 28, 2015

Today’s post presents a recipe for a very delicious Arabic and Mediterranean dish, i.e. stuffed cabbage (ملفوف).This dish requires a lot of skill to be able to get it right! I cannot make it, as I find it very tricky to get the cabbage leaves wrapped well around the stuffing! Here is the recipe and good luck with…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: Hany El-Masry Posted by on Aug 27, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you do on the last reading exercise about the famous Egyptian artist; Hany El-Masry? Well done! Ok, here are the answers for you all to check. If you want to have another look at the exercise, please click here. الإجــابــات Answers ولــِــدَ الــفــنــان هــانــى الــمــصــرى فــى الــقــاهــرة – مصر…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Hany El-Masry Posted by on Aug 27, 2015

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       “فى يوم الاثنين الماضى الموافق 24 / 8 / 2015 توفى الفنان المصرى الشهير هانى المصرى. يعتبر هانى المصرى أول فنان مصرى يعمل فى استديوهات والت ديزنى للرسوم المتحركة فى هوليوود بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. و هو فنان…

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Arabic for Librarians (Part 3) Posted by on Aug 26, 2015

     Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Since libraries play an important role in our lives, we have started a series of blogs introducing different situations in a library setting to get to know how to use Arabic in the library. Today, we have another conversation between a librarian and a library patron to ask for using…

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Amr Diab; “Living With You” Posted by on Aug 20, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is entitled “Living With You عــايــش مــعــاك“. In the song, Amr shows how much he is in love and how much he is happy living with his beloved. It is customary in the Arab culture to…

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Listening Comprehension Answers: The 2015 Temperatures Posted by on Aug 19, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! When was the last time you have been to an Arab country? How was the weather like? Here are the answers to the listening comprehension exercise about the 2015 Temperatures in the Middle East. To view the exercise and the questions again, please click here. الإجـــابــــات Answers الــمــنــطــقــة الــتــي تــجــتــاحــهــا مــوجــة…

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