Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Listening – Ramadan in Indonesia – answers Posted by on Jun 19, 2015

This post presents the answers to the listening comprehension exercise about Ramadan in Indonesia. The answers of the English questions: 1- How does the report describe the atmospheres at the beginning of Ramadan in Indonesia? The report describes the atmospheres at the beginning of Ramadan in Indonesia as spiritual. 2- What is the largest Islamic country…

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Listening – Ramadan in Indonesia Posted by on Jun 18, 2015

Ramadan Kareem! Today is the first day of Ramadan for most of the Muslims around the world. In this post, I present a news report about welcoming Ramadan in Indonesia. Listen to the following report about Ramadan in Indonesia and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary at the end of…

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The 8 Must Know Arabic Phrases for Visiting a Museum Posted by on Jun 16, 2015

Marhaba! As you can see from my earlier posts on essential phrases for traveling and dining in the Arab world, I am hoping to provide you all with a useful and basic guide that will allow you to chat with locals in any Arab country that you plan to visit and hence, allow you to…

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The 6 Must Know Arabic Phrases for Dining Posted by on Jun 13, 2015

Marhaba! As you can see from my earlier post on the 6 essential phrases for traveling once you land in an Arab world, I am hoping to provide you all with a useful and basic guide that will allow you to chat with locals in any Arab country that you plan to visit. Today I…

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Listening Answers: The Charm of Arabic Calligraphy Posted by on Jun 11, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How was the last listening exercise? I hope you have enjoyed the report. Here are the answers to the listening exercise about the Charm of Arabic Calligraphy. To view the exercise and the questions again, please click here. الإجــابــات Answers أســاســيــات الــخــط الــعــربــي الــتــى حــولــتــه إلــى فــنٍ مــتــعــارف عــلــيــه هــى: الــخــط…

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Listening Exercise: The Charm of Arabic Calligraphy Posted by on Jun 11, 2015

اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions مــا هــى أســاســيــات الــخــط الــعــربــي الــتــى حــولــتــه إلــى فــنٍ مــتــعــارف عــلــيــه؟       1) What are the basics of the Arabic calligraphy that turned it into a common art? اِذكــُــر بــعــض أنــواع الــخــط الــعــربــي؟ …

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The 6 Must Know Arabic Phrases for Traveling Posted by on Jun 7, 2015

Marhaba! Take a moment and enjoy the beautiful change of seasons. Wherever you are in the world, I am most certain that weather conditions look better than what they were a few weeks ago. It could be really humid or too hot, but still try to spend at least some part of your day in…

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