Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Listening Comprehension Exercise: Super School Posted by on Apr 10, 2015

شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، و اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch this video, listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions أيــن تــوجــد الــمــدرســة الــثــانــويــة لـِــلــعــُــلــوم الــخــارقــة ؟       1) Where is this Super High School of Sciences located? كــَــمْ تــكــلــّــفَ إنــشـــاء هــذه الــمــدرســة ؟  2) How…

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Chicken soup with corn Posted by on Mar 31, 2015

This post presents an easy way of preparing chicken soup with corn. شوربة الدجاج و الذرة المقادير: 2 صدر دجاج مخلي و مقطع مكعبات صغير ١ كوب ذرة معلبة 1 مغلف شوربة كريمة الدجاج 4 أكواب ماء فاتر 2 ملعقة طعام زيت ذرة الطريقة: يشوح الدجاج مع الزيت في مقلاة متوسطة حتى ينضج ثم تضاف…

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Nizar Qabbani: “Hamlet; The Poet” Posted by on Mar 26, 2015

   Ahlan أهــْــلاً , Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a beautiful love poem by the great Arab poet Nizar Qabbani نــِــزَار قــَــبــَّــانــِــي . The poem is entitled; “Hamlet; The Poet هــامــلــت شــاعــراً“. In the poem, the lover rushes in his love like Hamlet. He borrows some lines from Hamlet and adapts them to the…

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Egyptian Proverbs (9) Posted by on Mar 25, 2015

   Arabic proverbs الأمــْــثــَــال الــعــَــرَبــِــيــَّـــة reflect the beauty جــَــمــَــال of the Arabic Language and the wisdom حــِــكــْــمــَــة of the Arabs and their culture. In Egypt, these proverbs are part of everyone’s daily routine. There is no one single situation مــَــوْقــِــف that would not have the perfect proverb tailored for it. Just for the sake of…

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Mothers in the Arabic Literature Posted by on Mar 22, 2015

    Ahlan Arabic lovers! I would like to start this post with a special thank you to my mother and all mothers; Happy Mother’s Day! The Arab world celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday. The idea of officially celebrating mothers on a special day that coincides with the coming of spring dates back to Mustafa Amin…

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The Top 10 Quotes for Mother’s Day in Arabic! Posted by on Mar 21, 2015

Marhaba! Mother’s Day is celebrated on March 21st across the Arab world. It coincides with the beginning of the beautiful Spring season. In the past, I have shared Marcel Khalife’s beautiful ballad, ‘To My Mother,’ and today, I want to share what I think are the top 10 quotes for mother’s day! Please note that…

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Listening Comprehension Exercise: Today’s Phenomenon Posted by on Mar 20, 2015

شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، و اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch this video, listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions عــَــنْ أى ظــاهــرة فــلــكــيــة يــتــحــدَّث الــفــيــديـــو؟       1) Which astronomical phenomenon the video talks about? فــى أى الــمــنــاطــق مــِــن الــعــالــَــم يــُــمــكــن رؤيــة هــذه الــظــاهــرة ؟  2)…

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