Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Amr Diab; “You Were Right” Posted by on Mar 19, 2015

    Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is entitled “You were right كــان عــنــدك حــق“. In the song, Amr speaks to his heart and finds all excuses for himself to be unable to forget his beloved. The songs falls in the 11th…

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Shadi Abdel-Salam: (1930 – 1986) Posted by on Mar 18, 2015

  Ahlan Arabic lovers! Last Sunday, Google showed a picture inspired by the pharaonic civilization showing a Pharaoh فــرعــون sitting on his throne عــرش with the crown تــاج on his head and the Lotus flower (symbol of life and eternity) under the throne. In front of the pharaoh but in a lower level, a person was…

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Have you seen the Arab Charlie Chaplin? (2) Posted by on Mar 17, 2015

Marhaba! I hope you all enjoyed learning about the Arab Charlie Chaplin! Salah is really talented and actually goes a step further than most of Charlie Chaplin’s awesome performances. I am positive that his on-stage-successes will allow him to perform even more on international stages across the world. In this post, I want to provide…

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Listening comprehension, answer Posted by on Mar 16, 2015

This post provides the transcription and answer to the questions provided in my previous post. The exercise relates to the first 50 seconds of the video. You can use the useful vocabulary provided below to assist your comprehension. Transcription: وقعت مصر والإمارات العربية المتحدة على هامش فعاليات مؤتمر دعم وتنمية الاقتصاد المصري في مدينة شرم…

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Listening comprehension, New Capital Posted by on Mar 15, 2015

Listen to the first 50 seconds of the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the useful vocabulary provided below to assist your comprehension. Answer the following questions in English: 1- Who signed the contract? 2- What is the purpose of the conference? 3- Where is the conference held? 3- What is…

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Have you seen the Arab Charlie Chaplin? Posted by on Mar 15, 2015

Marhaba! I am sure most of you would agree that Charlie Chaplin is the greatest comic artist of the screen and one of the most important and legendary figures in motion-picture history. If you have seen him in any of his silent movies, then you would know that he can make you laugh for hours…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Fear Posted by on Mar 12, 2015

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       “الــخــوفُ هــُــو مــِــنَ الأمــْــراضِ الــتــى تــُــنــَــغــِّــصُ الــحــَــيــَــاةَ و تــذهــبُ بــالــســَّــعــَــادَةِ . و هــُــو مــَــرضٌ خــَــطــِــيــرٌ قــَـــلَّ أنْ يــَــســْــلــَــمَ مــِــنــهُ إنــْــســَــانٌ ، و هــُــو أشــْــكــَــالٌ و ألــوانٌ ، يــُــشــَــكــِّــلُ أعــْــمــَــالَ الإنــْــســَــانِ و يــُــوَجــِّــهــُــهــَــا طــَــوْعَ إشــَــارتــِــهِ ، و حــَــســْــبَ…

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